

Farfesa Ibrahim Abdullahi Sarkin Sudan (Professor of Hausa Culture)

About Prof. I.S.S. Abdullahi

Prof. Ibrahim Abdullahi Sarkin Sudan is a native of Kontagora town in Niger State. He was born in Yelwa-Yauri (Now Kebbi State) on 14th Octorber, 1970. He obtained his Primary School education at Maidubu Primary School Kontagora from 1977–1982. He was enrolled into Government Day Secondary School Kontagora in 1983 and obtained his General Certificate of Education (GCE ‘O’ Level) in 1988. He had his B. A. (Hons) Hausa degree in 1995, his M. A. and Ph.D degrees in Hausa Culture in 2000 and 2008 respectively, at Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto.

Ibrahim was appointed a graduate assistant in the Department of Nigerian Languages, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto in 1996. He is currently a Professor of Hausa Culture in the same University. He was the Director Division of General Studies of the institution from 2009 -2014. Acting HOD, Department of Nigerian Languages and Linguistic, Kaduna State University from 2014 to 2015. Head of Department of Nigerian Languages, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto (2018 to 2022). He served as chairman/Secretary/member in 38 committees of the University. The most recent were Senior Staff Disciplinary Committee, Manuscript Development Committee on the Project of “Vision of Danfodiyo TV series, Local Organizing Committee (LOC) for Hausa Written Poetry Competition, University Research Award Committee.

He published many articles in National and International Journals. He also attended conferences and presented papers locally and internationally. He co-edited 4 books and Conference Proceedings:

* The Hausa People, Language and History (2016)

* The Heroes Heroines of Hausa Land (2017)

* Nigeria In Search of Stability (2020)

* A Great Scholar and Linguist. A Festschrift in Honour of Prof. Ibrahim Ahmad Mukoshy (2021)

 He is the author of the book Mai Rabon Ganin Ba ɗ i (1999), co-authored Ƙ amus na Kalmomin Tattalin Arziki -English-Hausa Economics Dictionary (2004) and co-translated the book Sokoto Caliphate “Daular Sokoto”(2019).

 He supervised 47 Masters and Ph.D degrees at Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto.

 As External Examiner, he graduated 31 Masters and 5 Ph.D students at:

• Ahmadu Bello University Zaria

• Bayero University Kano

• Umaru Musa ‘Yar’adua University, Katsina

• Kaduna State University

He served as External Examiner (Moderator) of Hausa Department of:

• Shehu Shagari College of Education, Sokoto

• Adamu Augie College of Education Argungu

• Federal College of Education Kontagora.

 He was the Editor-in-Chief of:

Ɗ undaye Journal of Hausa Studies

• Zauren Wa ƙ a Journal of Hausa Poetry.

 He is an Editorial consultant to 3 academic Journals:

• Shagari Journal of Languages

• Bagushiya Journal of Hausa Studies

• Bakaba Journal of Hausa Studies.

Ibrahim is happily married and blessed with 6 children

Some of His Research Efforts


1. Abdullahi, I. S. S. (1999) Mai Rabon Ganin Badi (A Hausa Novel) Fisbas Media Service Kaduna

2. Aliero, H. M. and Abdullahi, I. S. S. (2004) Kamus Na Kalmomin Tattalin Arziki: Usmanu Danfodiyo University Press, Sokoto. ISBN: 978-33308-9-6

Translated Academic Work

3. Bunza A. M., Ibrahim S. S., Usman B. B. (2012) Daular Sakkwato by Murray Last Translation of Sokoto Caliphate IBRASH Publishing Company, Lagos. ISBN: 978-978-901-189-6

Editorship of Academic Work s

4. Malumfashi, I. A. M. Yakasai, S. A, Abdullahi, I. S. S. (2016) The Hausa People, Language and History – Past, Present and Feture. Proceedings of First International Conference, Department of Nigerian Languages and Linguistics, Kaduna State University. ISBN:978-978-956-169-8

5. Malumfashi, I. A. ’Yandaki, A. I. Abdullahi, I. S. S. (2017) The Heroes and Heroines of Hausa Land. Proceedings of First International Conference, Department of Nigerian Languages and Linguistics, Kaduna State University. ISBN: 978-978-960-555-2

6. Bunza, M. U. Maishanu, I. M. Abdullahi, I. S. S. (2020) Nigeria In Search of Stability. The Relevance of History, Language and Religion. Proceedings of First National Conference, Faculty of Atrs and Islamic Studies, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto. ISBN: 978-978-58566-5-1

7. Yakasai, S. A., Abdullahi, I. S. S., Gobir, Y. A., Bunza, U. A., Aminu, Nasiru, Mukoshy, J. I. (2021) A Great Scholar and Linguist. A Festschrift in Honour of Prof. Ibrahim Ahmad Mukoshy Department of Nigerian Languages, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto. ISBN: 978-978-59094-3-2 Published Articles

8. Kwantagora, I. A. (1999) “Asirran Sammu A Idon Bahaushe” in Hausa Studies Readings in Hausa Language, Literature & Culture. Informat Publishers Kaduna. Vol.I NoI January, Pages 253-261.

9. Abdullahi, I. S. S. (2006) “Sanin Halin Direba Sai Fasinja: Kimar Bayarabe a Mizanin Bahaushe.” Kontagora Journal of Languages and Literature. Federal College of Education Kontagora, Niger State. Amaka Enterprises, Kontagora. Vol.II No. 2 December, Page 117-124.

10. Abdullahi, I. S. S. (2008) “Fitattun Ɗabi’un Maguzawa” Maiduguri Journal of Linguistics and Literary Studies (MAJOLLS) Vol. X Department of Languages and Linguistics, University of Maiduguri, Page 77–82 ISSN: 1595-6873

11. Abdullahi, I. S. S. (2009) “Bikin Hawan Sadaka naMaguzawa” Journal of Contemporary Hausa Studies, Vol. 1 No. 1, Department of Nigerian Languages, Umaru Musa ’Yar’adua University, Katsina. 2009, Page 94 – 105 Maiden Edition

12. Abdullahi, I. S. S. (2011) “Awon Maganin Gargajiya ALittafin Ruwan Bagaja” Algaita Vol. 2 No1. Journal of Current Research in Hausa Studies Department of Nigerian Languages, Bayero University, Kano. Pages 234 -240. ISSN: 2141-9434

13. Abdullahi, I. S. S. (2012) “Muhallin Magani a AdabinBakan BahausheƊundaye Journal of Hausa Studies Vol. 1, No 4. Department of Nigerian Languages, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto. December, Pages 187-198. ISSN: 0189-7802

14. Abdullahi, I. S. S. (2012) “Zawarci da Auren Bazawara AMaguzance” in Champion of Hausa Cikin Hausa, A Festschrift in Honour of Ɗalhatu Muhammad. Department of African Languages and Cultures Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria Pages 473-479 ISSN: 2315-9820

15. Abdullahi, I. S. S. (2013) “Li’irabin Sunayen TaurarinLittafin Ruwan Bagaja” in Humanities inSub-Saharan World Ruwan Bagaja in Perspectives. Eight Decades of a Hausa Masterpiece in Prose (1933-2013) UNICAIRO/UMYU ISBN: 978-125-481-5

16. Abdullahi, I. S. S. (2013) “Hani da Horo a Matsayin Tubalan Ginin Waɗar ‘Baje Kolin Hajar Tunani” in Zauren Waɗa: Journal of Hausa Poetry Studies, VOL 1 No 1 Department of Nigerian Languages, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto. Pages 179-197 ISSN: 2384-5139

17. Abdullahi, I. S. S. (2013) “Sake Bitar Nauyin Munanan Ɗabi’u A Sikelin Zamaninmu” in Excerpts of International Seminar on The Deterioration of Hausa Culture Organized by Katsina State History and Culture Bureau in collaboration with Umaru Musa Yar’adua University, Katsina ISBN: 978-125-63-8, Pages 227-234

18 Abdullahi, I. S. S. (2013) “Dimokuraɗiyya a Bamagujen Ma’auni” in Yalwa, L.D. et al (eds) Studies in Hausa Language, Literature and Culture The First National Conference. Centre for the Study of Nigerian Languages Bayero University, Kano. Ahmadu Bello University Press. - Pages 754-763. ISBN: 978-125-426-2 

19. Abdullahi, I. S. S. (2014) “Al’adar Karan Ƙirji a Al’umar Maguzawa” in HARSHE Journal of African Languages, Department of African Languages and Cultures, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. - Pages 141-152. ISSN: 978-125-100

20. Abdullahi, I. S. S. (2015) “Tanade-Tanaden Tsafe-TsafenMaguzawa a Al’adunsu na Aure da Haihuwa.” Kadaura Journal of Hausa Multi-Disciplinary Studies Maiden Edition Vol. 1 No. 1 Department of Nigerian Languages & Linguistics, Kaduna State University, Pages 131 – 140

21. Sarkin Gulbi, A. and Abdullahi, I.S.S (2018). “Migration and Socio-economic Development: A case of Tahoua Migrants in Sokoto Metropolis 1931-2016”. Scholars Academic and Scientific Publishers (SAS Publishers) A Unit of Scholars Academic and Scientific Society, India. Available online: August, 2018 edition. http://saspjournals.com/sjahss ISSN 2347-5374 (Online) DOI 10.21276/sjahss.2018.6.8.21

22. Abdullahi, I. S. S. (2020) “Tubalan Haɗin Kan Ƙasa A Tunanin Maguzawa” Nigeria In Search of Stability. The Relevance of History, Language and Religion. Proceedings of First National Conference, Faculty of Atrs and Islamic Studies, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto. Pages 464–469 ISBN: 978-978-58566-5-1

23. Abdullahi, I. S. S. (2021) “Giya Madarar Arna: NazarinTu’ammalin Bamaguje da Giya” East African Scholars Journal of Education, Humanities and Literature Vol.4 Issue 4 ISSN- 2617-7250 (Online) ISSN 2617-443X (Print) East African Scholars Publishers, Kenya Pages 173-178 DOI: 10.36349/easjehl.2021,v04i04.004

24. Abdullahi, I. S. S. (2021) “Maƙwabtakar Hausawa” Scholars International Journal of Linguistics and Literature ISSN 2616-8677 (print) ISSN 2617-3468 (Online) Scholars Middle East Publishers, Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Journal Homepage: https//saudijournals.com DOI: 10.3634/sijll.2021.v04i5.007

25. Abdullahi, I. S. S. (2021) “Laƙabi Linzamin Makaɗa da Mawaƙan Hausa” International Academic & Research Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences. ISSN Print: 2708-6259 ISSN Online: 2708-6267 Volume-2: Issue–4; July-August, 2021) DOI: 10.47310/jiajhss.v02i02.005

26. Abdullahi, I. S. S. (2021) “Waiwayen Ginshiƙan Bukatun Rayuwar Maguzawa” Scholars International Journal of Linguistics and Literature ISSN 2616-8677 (print) ISSN 2617-3468 (Online) Scholars Middle East Publishers, Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Journal Homepage: https//saudijournals.com DOI: 10.36348/sijll.2021.v04i09.003

27. Abdullahi, I. S. S. (2021) “Takabar Maguzawa” in, Yakasai, S. A. et al (eds) A Great Linguist and a Scholar. A Festschrift in Honour of Prof. Ibrahim Ahmad Mukoshy Department of Nigerian Languages, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto. ISBN: 978-978-59094-3-2 Pages 740 -748

28. Abdullahi, I. S. S. (2021) “Gobarci: Tsagar Gobirawa a Faifan Nazari” in Maishanu, I.M, Usman, M.T, Gobir, Y. A. Transfomation in Gobir Kingdom Past and Present.  Proceedings of International Conference. Faculty of Arts and Islamic Studies, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto. Pages 384–392  ISBN: 13-978-978-59094-4-9

29. Abdullahi, I. S. S. (2023) “Taubasantakar Narambaɗa da ‘Ya’yan Sarakuna” Proceedings of International Conference on Ibrahim Narambaɗa Tubali, Center for Research in Nigerian Languages, Translation and Folklore, Bayero University, Kano Pages 55–61 ISBN: 978-978-2111-47-3 

Farfesa Ibrahim Abdullahi Sarkin Sudan (Professor of Hausa Culture)

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