1.0 Preamble
    The Amsoshi Posting Department (APD), in its effort of promoting global accessibility to researches on Hausa language and other related fields, encourages researchers to submit papers for upload to the internet.
    2.0 Benefits 
    1. A researcher would have his/her works indexed and available on search engines such as Google. 
    2. It earns an author wider global recognition as a researcher and or writer. Hence, his/her name and publication(s) will be available on different internet outlets.
    3.0 Financial Implications
    Amsoshi is an independent establishment, which receive no funds from any external body for keeping its activities on. As such, an author is required to pay a sum of one thousand (#1,000.00) only for his/her work to be published with Amsoshi.
    Note: An author may wish to terminate the deal any time.
    4.0 Disclaimer
    An author shall be responsible for ensuring authenticity of his/her work(s), including referencing and copyright ownership.
    5.0 Submission
    Authors may wish to send their manuscripts for consideration through the contact us section on or mail it to:
    6.0 Disputes and Resolutions
    Any dispute is expected to be resolved amicably within the two parties i.e. ATD and the author(s) concern. In case there is the need to include a third party, the dispute shall be resolved in Nigerian courts.
    1.0 Preamble
    The Amsoshi Publication Team (APT), in its effort to promoting global accessibility of works written and or authored by Nigerians; has enticingly enlivened a new strategy for helping Nigerian authors to have their works published and marketed with international publishing companies. Hence, we publish works en masse, including:
    i. Books
    ii.  M. A./M. Sc. Dissertations
    iii. Ph. D. Thesis
    2.0 Publication Options
    An author may wish to go by any of the following publication options:
    2.1 A personal account shall be created for an author. The author shall be the sole manager of the account after publication(s).
    2.2 A personal account shall be created for an author. APT shall manage the account together with the author after publication(s).
    2.3 An existing account owned by a member of APT shall be used in publishing an author’s work(s). APT shall manage the account after the publication(s), providing the author with monthly feedback on the status of the publication(s).
    3.0 Benefits
    i. An author would be privileged to publish his/her works with ease and at a very approvable cost.
    ii. An author would have his/her publications(s) marketed all over the world.
    iii. An author may wish to get printed copies of the publication(s) at a very low cost.
    iv. Free ISBN would be assigned to each publication
    v. An author would benefit from up to 70% of the total sales made from his/her publication(s) in the form of annual royalties.
    vi. It's an opportunity for academics, which could be utilized during promotions. Hence, a book earns three marks.
    vii. It earns an author wider global recognition as a researcher and or writer. Hence, his/her name and publication(s) would be available on different internet outlets including google search engines.
    4.0 Financial Implications
    Financial implications attached to publication depend on the publication option an author chooses thus:
    4.1 Should an author chooses the option defined at 2.1 above, he/she would have to pay the project due of 100USD ($100) only. The amount covers thus:
    i. Creation of account
    ii. Typesetting of a manuscript in accordance with the publication guidelines
    iii. Publication processing
    4.2 Should an author chooses the option defined at 2.2 above, he/she would have to pay a project due of 50USD ($50) only. Again, APT would be entitled to 5% of the total annual royalties earned from the sales of the book(s).
    Note: An author may wish to terminate the process, which attracts a fee of 50USD ($50) only.
    4.3 Should an author chooses the option defined at 2.3 above, no project cost is applied. However, APT would be entitled to 15% of the annual royalties earned from the sales of the book(s).
    Note: An author may wish to terminate the process, which attracts a fee of 100USD ($100) only.
    5.0 Disclaimer
    An author shall be responsible for ensuring the authenticity of his/her work(s), including referencing and copyright ownership.
    6.0 Disputes and Resolutions
    Any dispute is expected to be resolved amicably within the two parties i.e. APT and an author. In case there is the need to include a third party, the dispute shall be resolved in Nigerian courts.
    You can contact us through:
    i. Contact section on  
    ii. Via email:
    Amsoshi Publication Team (APT)

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    HAUSA: Kuna iya rubuto mana tsokaci ko tambayoyi a ƙasa. Tsokacinku game da abubuwan da muke ɗorawa shi zai tabbatar mana cewa mutane suna amfana da wannan ƙoƙari da muke yi na tattaro muku ɗimbin ilimummuka a wannan kafar intanet.