Table of Contents
The Use of Online English Language Learning Platforms by
Undergraduate Students of Federal College of Education (Technical) Gusau
Shafaatu Muhammad Anka
Department of English
Federal College of Education
(Technical) Gusau, Zamfara State
The status of the English language in
Nigeria has made it the most widely used language. People of various
backgrounds aspire to speak the language and become competent in it. With
technological advancement, which led to the social media invention, various
means of teaching the English language are made available on different platforms.
Therefore, this paper aims to find out the online English language learning
platforms by undergraduate students of Federal College of Education (Technical)
Gusau. Three objectives were formulated to guide this study. These are,
to find out the students’ awareness of the vast online platforms for
learning the English Language, to find out the aspect of the English language
the students have an interest in studying and to determine the benefit of
engagement in the chosen aspect. Rogers’ (2003) Diffusion of Innovation theory
was adopted as the theoretical framework- The population of the study consists
of 1,417 Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria-affiliated undergraduate students of
various fields of study. Purposive sampling was used to select level two
English language students. Focus group discussion was used for data collection
and thematic analysis of the data was conducted.
The finding is by Roger's (2003) Diffusion of Innovation
theory which emphasises that “getting a new idea adopted, even when it has
obvious advantages, is difficult” Hence, the availability of more user
satisfaction, compatibility, simplicity, triability, and observability make the
Innovation-Diffusion process faster.
Therefore, the present study concludes
that the use of these vast materials by the students is very low. However, the
participants who employ its use agreed on its enormous benefits and have tagged
it as a priority.
Language learning platforms, English language, Facebook
The English language is one of the most widely spoken languages in
the world. It is spoken as a second language in many countries globally. The
status of the English language in Nigeria has mandated the quest for its
knowledge and mastery at various levels. being the language of education,
government, media and inter-ethnic communication, peoples’ elitism,
intelligence and civilization are measured by the kind of English they speak. Moreover,
those majoring in the English language at colleges and universities aspire more
and appreciate materials that will enhance their learning.
With the advancement of technology, information in books, journals
and other materials is shared on the internet which can be accessed through the
use of phones. Sani (2017), posits that students who constitute a large
population of daily internet users are addicted to networking sites due to
information availability that has been made common for users’ access. Empirical
research reported a serious decline in the use of books and other physical
reading materials. Therefore, English students and other information-seeking
individuals use online materials for coursework, assignments and other self-demanding
objective of this study is to find out the level of awareness choice and
benefits of using Online English Language Platforms, particularly on Facebook
by undergraduate students of English at Federal College of Education
(Technical) Gusau.
Statement of the Problem
There are a vast number of online English Language teaching
and learning platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram which operate
as a medium for students to learn English if used wisely. According to Shih
(2011), social media helps people to connect and build a good network with
others as well as create a platform to expand their circle of friends all over
the world. Hence, people can share all types of information and knowledge in online
discussion boards or share status. Nasution (2022) strongly believes that
learners can be encouraged to engage in discussion through online forums. This
explains that social media gives large benefits in learning the English
language among undergraduates since they can contribute information and knowledge,
and thus, increase their English language proficiency. On the other hand, Chun (2016)
shares that learning English solely in the classroom, in an exam-oriented way
results in intense pressure on students. Therefore, online English Language
learning platforms (ELLPs) provide opportunities for learning leisurely at one
available time, and at their own pace.
Online Language learning platforms are videos
that normally appear on Facebook, in which instructors make presentations for
the general public on the chosen area of the language. These areas range from
pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, writing and reading. These videos are
sometimes live where the presenters take into consideration their audience and
even give tasks to evaluate their progress. On the other hand, some upload
their recorded presentations for viewers to improve their use of the English
The vast numbers of these online ELLPs are all over the net.
They are found easily and without any request, especially for a first-timer.
The enormous and constantly expanding body of
knowledge, especially in teaching the English language is now accessible
As one gets on Facebook,
he may come across a video, audio or text presentation by an unknown instructor
on a selected aspect of the language. These presentations are seen as an
opportunity for learners to engage especially after school hours. Moreover, it
is an avenue where students can learn from native speakers and other experts in
the field. They can equally acquire other skills such as how to make
presentations, self-confidence and communication. Students show their interest
and appreciation whenever such materials are shared with their school’s
Whatsapp groups (
& Chung 2021).
However, it is observed that these platforms reported to be
beneficial have not been utilized fully by the students, especially at Federal
College of Education (Technical) Gusau. The students’ preference lies in the
use of such medium in chatting, playing games and communicating with friends
with evidence of pronunciation, grammatical and spelling errors. It is against
this backdrop that this study investigates the use of online English language
learning platforms specifically on Facebook by Ahmadu Bello University Zaria
affiliated undergraduate students of Federal College of Education (Technical)
Research Questions
Are Undergraduate students of FCE (T) Gusau aware of
the vast online platforms for learning the English Language?
What aspect of the English Language do they prefer?
What is the benefit of engaging in the chosen
Online English Language Learning Platforms (ELLP)
Over the past two decades, the Internet has
opened up new avenues for human contact and learning. Social media platforms
like Facebook, WeChat, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, and WhatsApp enable
millions of people all over the world to communicate and keep their friendships
and family ties (Al-Kadi & Ahmed, 2018). Many educational institutions
offer learning opportunities through social media. Students worldwide spend
most of their time on social networking sites, doing various activities,
chatting, playing games, and interacting (Baruah, 2012). Teachers and students’
lives have significantly transformed in recent years due to the growth of
digital technology, multimedia, and social networks (Karim et al., 2022). These
advancements and discoveries have had a substantial positive impact on the
teaching and learning of foreign languages and education generally (Leung &
Valdes, 2019). People use information and communication technology (ICT) and
the Internet everywhere and at any time. Hence, academic environments are
significantly impacted by technology.
Facebook is one of the common social media platforms where
educators can share notes, assignments, online assessments, academic forums,
academic teaching, and learning tools like videos, quotes, images, boards, and
sample essays. Dhanya (2016) indicated that the endless benefits of using
social media platforms are not merely for social gains but also academic
enhancement. He also shared that the use of social media not only fosters good
rapport among learners but also gives dynamics in classrooms by encouraging
student attendance as well as enabling them to follow their course.
Online ELLPs particularly on Facebook
could be located through a link or by searching
the page. They are made by native and non-native speakers. The researcher found
over 100 online ELLPs on Facebook and few are presented in this paper. These
are English ( teaching English grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation), Hello
English –Rupam (speak English fluently), Winnie’s School of Elegance, (speak
elegantly by improving your vocabulary), English with Emma (improving spelling
and pronunciation), easy English with Dinara (speaking practice), Advanced
English for professionals (speaking skills) English with Katherine (pronunciation,
idioms and meaning), Sollyinfusion (pronunciation), English learning time
(vocabulary), BBC English (vocabulary, pronunciation and grammar), Dr. GAB’s
English for Today (grammar, vocabulary and syntax) English takeaway with Sani
sambo (grammar and pronunciation), Jahun English Academy- JEA- (word usage and
meaning), Table of knowledge TV (grammar) and many more. Others make their
presentations by teaching English in a bilingual context.
Benefits of Online ELLPs
widespread use has impacted many facets of human existence, including education
and learning. Many academics have attempted to investigate the viability and
efficiency of social media integration in education. Due to technology,
teachers can now include various teaching techniques based on the needs of
their students
for information and
communication, people use online media or social media as a tool. Human beings
of any age or status use social media as it is one of the most famous platforms.
Kaplan and Haenlein (
) assert that online media platforms are a gathering of web
applications that permit the formation of different substances on the planet. It
is not difficult to pursue these types of web-based media freely, because of
this reason, the vast majority utilize them. These kinds of web-based media are
frequently utilized by individuals, particularly students since they give them amusement.
Choi and Chung (2021) point out that online media have a few
attributes, for example, intuitiveness, stage quality, and information-sharing
system. Most of the students know how to update their knowledge about classroom
materials quicker through web-based media in comparison with other media like
paper-based materials. Karim and Hasan (2020) concluded in their study that a
huge number of learners are satisfied with the online mode of learning. In
another study, Ahmad (2020) conducted a study on learner-initiated language
learning through social media sites among Yemeni EFL learners. He reported that
online ELLPs helped build various aspects of their language proficiency. They
were found more useful for their writing and reading skills, expanding their
vocabulary, having access to authentic materials and communicating with English-speaking
friends both native and non-native. When ranked regarding their use, Facebook
rated first, followed by WhatsApp and then Twitter. In another research by
Karim et al on the study of social media and learning English by undergraduate
students of Assam India, the findings emphasized that students learn new things
and gather new knowledge using social media. It equally stressed that social
media plays an important role and helps the learners to improve all their
skills in the English language.
Theoretical Framework
This study hinges on Rogers’ Diffusion of Innovation Theory.
This theory is the most appropriate for studying technology adoption in the educational
environment. Rogers (2003:1) discovers that “technology is a design for
instrumental action that reduces the uncertainty in the–effect relationships
involved in achieving the desired outcome”. He therefore proposes four main
components of the theory which include innovation, communication channels, time
and social system. All these components can be matched to English language
online platforms, social media tools, level of comprehension and accessibility.
At the utilization stage, Rogers (2003), posits that the innovation-decision
process which consists of knowledge of the innovation seeks information about
what, how and why. Persuasion follows as an individual chooses to adopt or
reject the innovation. Moreover, implementation and confirmation are added as
users of the online ELLP put the innovation into practice and look for support for
their decision.
Rogers (2003)
argues that innovations offering more user satisfaction, compatibility,
simplicity, triability, and observability are adopted faster than other innovations.
Rogers cautions that “getting a new idea adopted, even when it has obvious
advantages, is difficult” (p. 1), so the availability of all of these variables
of innovations speeds up the innovation-diffusion process. This will likely
influence students’ adoption of new technology for self-learning.
This study adopts the qualitative research design. Focus group
discussion is used as a method of data collection. Questions were raised based
on the research objectives and the responses were analyzed through thematic analysis
by deductive-semantic approach (Caulfield, 2023). This is an approach that
involves analyzing the data with some preconceived themes expected to be found
there. It entails analysis of the data to identify themes and patterns that are
important in answering the research questions (Maguire & Delahunt 2017).
The population of the study comprises all undergraduate
students of the Federal College of Education (Technical) Gusau as of the 2022/2023
session. There are 1,417 undergraduate students in various fields of study. What
binds them together is that they are all bachelor of education students. In
other words, they are students undergoing training to be teachers of various
fields ranging from sciences, social science and arts. Purposive sampling was
adopted and 51 level two English language students were selected and taken as a
group. Focus group discussion was conducted for thirty – minutes and the
responses were recorded and later transcribed. The discussion questions were
formulated from the research questions.
Theme: Awareness of Online English Language Learning
Sub-Theme: Logging Into Facebook
into Facebook for news updates.
into Facebook for picture viewing
into Facebook from a friend’s device.
into Facebook for political updates
into Facebook for fashion and design.
into Facebook when someone refers me to a page
into Facebook for cooking recipes
into Facebook and YouTube when a piece of video is shared by someone on
Sub-Theme: An Idea about Online English Language Platforms
sometimes come across such platforms by chance
come across it mostly on WhatsApp. And think of where they can be found.
no idea
no capable device
an issue with the data
Theme: Preference for Online English Language Learning
Sub-Theme: Choice of Aspects Covered by the Platforms
of sentence construction
of reading and writing
of vocabulary
with translation
of pronunciation
Sub-Theme: Choice of Type of Instructor
prefer foreign to be familiar with the accent
prefer foreign so I can speak like them
prefer foreign because the language sounds more natural
prefer foreign to emulate the accent
prefer local because it is easy to listen to them
I prefer local, their speech is easily
prefer locals because they sometimes translate and give contextual examples.
Theme: Benefits Of Online English Language Learning
Sub-Theme: Values Added
tells that an effort needs to be made for more learning.
of errors in my English
is more to learn
sometimes share with my coursemates and friends.
save the videos on my phone.
ask a friend to share with me.
correct my friends’ errors sometimes and refer to those platforms.
often come across ideas taught in class.
save and watch again if shared on Whats app.
Analysis was deductive and, hence, was based on three themes.
Awareness of Online ELLP
Except for very few, participants reported a lack of
awareness of the Online English language learning platforms. Those with the
awareness get the opportunity mostly through sharing. Extract from the transcript
relates that:
P1: I’m not aware of those
platforms but friends do share on the class’s WhatsApp group and I find them
P4: I don’t know about
those platforms, I log into Facebook to see friends’ updates.
P8: When I log on to Facebook,
I sometimes come across such platforms I watch and look for more if I have the
Preference for Online ELLP
On the choice of
participants regarding aspects of the English language, most participants chose
to have an online lesson based on vocabulary development. Moreover, there is an
equal choice of foreign and local presenters.
P1: I chose the platform
that makes presentations on word meaning and usage. It should be from an
indigenous presenter so, he can even translate and give local familiar
P12: I like knowing the
meaning of words, I enjoy watching it. Especially from indigenous presenters
P21: I choose presenters who dwell on teaching pronunciation
and speaking skills. I also like foreign presenters so that I become familiar
with their accents.
Benefits of Online ELLP
Specifically, the
participants show different levels of the benefit of online ELLP, however,
there is still a need for sensitization on its utilization and benefits.
An extract from the transcript reveals that:
P17: It is beneficial, but
we need to have an understanding of these platforms. There are many things
regarding our classwork that we need to know. English syllabus is very wide and
I think we ought to make the extra effort.
P1: I sometimes use the
knowledge to correct my friend’s errors and even pronunciation, the knowledge
is from a platform I watch on Facebook
Findings from other research emphasize the use and benefits
of online learning platforms in teaching and learning the English language. The
present study goes further to investigate the use, preference and benefits of
Online ELLP by undergraduates of the Federal College of Education (Technical)
Gusau. However, the findings revealed that these set of students are not fully
aware of these platforms. In regards to choice, most of the participants choose
the vocabulary aspect of the language. Other choices were on teaching with
translation, few were on speaking skills, pronunciation, reading and writing. There
is a balanced opinion by the respondents between a choice of foreign or local
instructors. Although the respondents are not fully aware of these platforms,
they foresee great benefits regarding the
online ELLP. Therefore, it is the duty
of the English language particularly to create awareness for the students in
utilizing these sites as it augments their classroom learning. The finding confirmed
Roger's (2003) Innovation and Diffusion theory which emphasized that “getting a
new idea adopted, even when it has obvious advantages, is difficult” Hence, the
availability of more user satisfaction, compatibility, simplicity, triability,
and observability make the Innovation-Diffusion process faster. These influence
students’ adoption of new technology for convenience, discovery and self-learning.
Suggestion for further studies
Online ELLPs are all over the internet on various sites
ranging from Facebook. YouTube, TikTok and Instagram. They need to be organized
to be fully utilized by the target audience. Further studies should focus on finding
ways of organizing them for tertiary education students’ consumption. Longitudinal
studies could be conducted especially in Nigeria in regards to online ELLPs.
Online English language learning instructors should focus on a selected
curriculum targeting a particular level of learners. Future research should be
on the analysis of the contents of online ELLPs to identify their suitability
to different levels of learners.
Online ELLPs are all over the internet. They aim to make
learning easier for the general public. However, the present study concludes
that awareness of these vast materials by undergraduates of FCE(T) Gusau is
very low. Moreover, the participants agreed on its benefits and have shown
their priority on aspects of the online instructions. It is therefore pertinent
to re-organize them in line with the Nigerian education objectives.
Based on the findings of the study, the following
recommendations were made:
Teachers at all levels of education should perceive Online ELLPs as an asset
that augments the teaching and learning of the English language and therefore
work towards creating mass awareness of their availability and benefits of
Teachers should serve as students’ guides in utilizing the online ELLPs. They
should refer their students to the links and pages of such materials. They
should find a way of sharing and discussing the content to promote their
utilization among learners.
teachers should participate actively in making such online presentations,
especially on topics of class discussions to serve as reference materials and
models to their learners.
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