The search for where lies the truth
in the divine books revealed to mankind has been an everlasting discourse in
religious studies. The debate had always yield a commendable result in terms of
getting new converts, understanding our differences, developing awareness among
the devotees, mutual understanding, and peaceful co-existence, which translate into
tranquil atmosphere for the people of different faith. The more the debate, the
more the understanding of the lapses, rifts, lacuna, controversies and
contradictions (if any) in our faith. This intellectual write-up is meant for
the consumption of learned authorities in the business, while the open-air and
house-to-house preaching consolidate ordinary followers to the doctrine…
Where Lies The Problem?
Aliyu Muhammadu Bunza
Department Of Nigerian Languages
Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto
Phone: 08034316508
Being text of a paper presented at
the launching of a book titled: “Where Lies the Truth?” By Shehu Abubakar
Uthman of Kebbi State University of Science and Technology, Aliero, on
Saturday, 9th February 2013 at Presidential Lodge, Birnin Kebbi,
Kebbi State, Chaired by His Royal Highness, The Emir of Argungu Alhaji, Sama’ila Muhammadu Mera, CON.
search for where lies the truth in the divine books revealed to mankind has
been an everlasting discourse in religious studies. The debate had always yield
a commendable result in terms of getting new converts, understanding our
differences, developing awareness among the devotees, mutual understanding, and
peaceful co-existence, which translate into tranquil atmosphere for the people
of different faith. The more the debate, the more the understanding of the
lapses, rifts, lacuna, controversies and contradictions (if any) in our faith.
This intellectual write-up is meant for the consumption of learned authorities in
the business, while the open-air and house-to-house preaching consolidate
ordinary followers to the doctrine in question. In this opinion, I foresee the
logic to peep through, where lies the problem to the persisting inter-religious
conflicts between Nigerian Muslims and their fellow Christians: as I have observed,
this might be a right forum to address the issue for a possible antidote. I
therefore pray to the almighty to guide us through.
In the history of mankind, from time immemorial to the
present global village, there had never been a continent, or a region, or a
country, or a state, or an empire completely controlled by a single religion. This
is a pointer that there is no compulsion in worship, freedom of religion is a
historical fact. Certainly, Muslim and Christian faiths are the most widely
spread and the popularly pronounced faiths in the modern world. To date, there
had never been a single Christian or Muslim state without a mix of one or two
religions. It is worth noting to all of us that, in the context of human
culture, it is completely impossible to have a conflict free society. However,
as human beings, ideological conflicts, class struggle, protest and propaganda
for the anomalies done are unavoidable. What is happening in Nigeria today is
far beyond human imagination. Historically, we have different faiths and
cultures before the colonial epoch, then the differences were properly managed
and things were never out of hand as in today’s situation. Why? We may ask
ourselves, is everything yesterday pleasing, while all things today are displeasing? Why did our ancestors and fore-fathers
leave together as friends with hundreds of gods in different communities and
tribes, and today, with only one God we are always at war? My dear audience,
these issues must be faithfully addressed for the Nigerian communities to be in
peace and the country to continue as one.
Islam and Christianity are not the only religious faiths of
the Nigerian people. We have Traditionist, Pagans and Atheists. To date, we
have never experienced any religious conflict involving either of the three,
and indeed there was never a clash between Muslims or Christians with any of
the three groups. Surprisingly, none of the three groups had a Prophet or a
revealed book to guide their rituals and religious activities. Yet, their dogma
remains uninterrupted with politics of bloodshed in the name of religion. This
is a good point to demonstrate that the communal clashes between the Nigerian Muslims
and Christians, has nothing to do with God and religion in the true teachings
of the Quran and the Bible. To spell it out correctly, it is nothing but an
ethno-regional conflict translated into Jihad and Crusade. To elaborate this
opinion, I have the following points.
The Nigerian religious atmosphere in the pre-colonial era
was very calm and friendly. The colonial culture and religion in addition to
the brutal colonial style in handling religious matters created a room for a
terror tactics in the name of self-defence and reprisals by the aggrieved individuals
or groups. The colonial efforts at trying to uproot the Islamic system in the
established Islamic empires in the northern region of the country laid down the
foundation to this obnoxious conflict. The deceit of divide-and-rule as a colonial
policy created serious religious and regional gaps between Muslims and Christians
in colonial Nigeria. The graduates of this wicked training succeeded their
masters by occupying influential positions in post-colonial Nigeria, and hence ensured
the continuation of the disruptive policy. This is the historical original of the
religious conflagration as we are witnessing today.
The regime after the first republic was bloodily
interrupted in the name of Islam and Christianity. The trend continued to flourish
at the early hours of the immediate military regimes. The defunct Biafaran
dream was a reaction to the massacre of the first republic leaders. The aborted
coup by the so-called young officers of the Nigerian military led by Okar was a
loud expression of this policy. It is unfortunate that, the security circles of
the country split along religious and regional camps. The looming danger to
this episode is that, the loyalty to the supremacy of the country as one nation
by our service security chiefs and officials is absolutely in doubt. The attention
of the national security outfits is no longer in the national interest. Thus, a
Muslim or a Christian would expect no protection from a security officer or a
state of different faith. The earlier this problem is addressed the better for
the security of the nation and for the prevalence of peaceful religious
atmosphere in the country.
addition, our expectations of the present democratic dispensation is being
polluted by some of our dubious political policies. Power sharing is adding
more fuel to the existing flame of religious disputes between Muslims and
Christians. Recruitment into Federal and State Civil Services is now a game of
faith. Promotion to senior cadre in the federal sector is politicized along
religious afflictions. Political parties and political flag bearers are at war
between the the forces of Islamization and Christianization. Political
appointments are being decided in our mosques and churches. The worst of all,
is the active participation of our spiritual leaders in the dirty game, not in
the name of God, but in the hope of having access to the national cake. Our
churches and mosques are now the most peaceful centers for political propaganda
and campaign, and the innocent believers are being deceived to fight each other
for no cause. To put a stop to all these unlawful acts is a collective responsibility
of all of us for our country to resume its former status of a peaceful home.
In normal circumstances, one would expect the consequences
of the evil acts to swallow its promoters. Alas! It is never the case as per Christian-Muslim
conflict in Nigeria. The perpetrators are always at large at the eve of the
commotion leaving behind the innocent believers to face the music. The senior Pastors
and Imams who named their victims martyrs
are always in good terms with the established authorities, while the ordinary
adherents of both faiths will be at war front with the authority. At any time
the signal of insecurity is received, the junior security officers would be
given command to handle the crisis. At the end of the day, the casualties at
both sides would be the promising young men and women of the country, the
senior citizens and well-to-do persons in the country would be watching the
scene from a far distance and would have nothing to lose at all. These so-called
men of God in churches and mosques are using the adherents to strike their
desired target in the name of God for an ungodly purpose.
In a nutshell, the
masses would always be at the receiving end in all crises. If destruction,
trouble making, man slaughter, etc are ordained by God in His Bible or His
Quran, the ordinary adherents should not be the only causalities in the long
run. The Nigerian Muslim and Christian youths should study the records of all
the crises in the name of religion and come out with a statistical analysis of
all the victims therein to see the reality in its true picture. We are tied down
to a war within, and therefore no longer loyal to any invitation in the
struggle to divide and rule. It is high time for the beneficiaries of the booty
to receive their reward hand-to-hand and not by proxy.
The failure of the authority to erase pre-mature intra-religious crises opened-up a gap for inter-religious
conflict between Muslims and Christians. The style with which the religious
conflicts and attacks are organized is indicative of the involvement of
external forces. Nigerians should not ignore the so-called experts’ prediction
that our country would come apart by the year 2015. In an effort to make the ‘prophecy’
come to pass, religious conflicts and crises are being put to test and found to
be workable tools towards achieving their diabolical plan. The sponsored
fanatics of both faiths targeted their attacks on mosques, churches and sensitive
public places in a particular region of the country in an apocalyptic manner.
In no time, the tag BOKO HARAM was coined specifically referring to a
particular faith in a particular region of the country. The said region attracts
the security attention of the nation and hence becomes the dumping ground for
heavy arms under the guise of “war against terrorism”. The fire brigade
approach by the security forces of the opposite faith resulted in the extra-judicial
killings and pre-planned destructions that added fuel to the existing blazing
By this trend, the UN and NATO are given open invitation to
come in. The attack on the Nigerian UN office at Abuja and the rumour of
launching the attack to the UK and US embassies changed the tag name to Alqa’ida
group, the group alleged to be responsible for the 9/11 attack. Gradually, our
home affairs are attracting external attention, thereby internationalizing the
crisis to enforce the American prophecy of the year 2015 as it is very much
unlikely for the political, sectarian, and inter-religious conflicts to transform
Nigerian situation into the war within. The BOKO HARAM insurgents are said to
be receiving their training in Mali and Niger Republics a distance of a few
kilometers from our borders, just to put Nigeria in the next line of UN
military action. I pray, the right thinking Muslims and Christians of this
great country would not allow this proposal to break through.
The immediate solution is being provided by our able colleague
in the book, Where Lies The Truth? The
central point of the publication is to urge Muslims and Christians to resort to
a rigorous academic study of their Holy Books. The research technicalities and
the eloquence in dispensing the words of God are the basic requirements for one
to be a good and true follower of the said faiths. The language style in our
write-up and preaching should be soft and free of insults and instigations for
the message to be swallowed and digested by all. We really need a joint
training or institute for training our preachers and religious authors to work
toward restoring the peaceful religious atmosphere in our country. A close
observation of religious intolerance in Nigeria shows that seventy percent of
the crises was masterminded by half-literate preachers surrounded by the hardened
illiterates in the community. In view of this, religious studies in our public
and private schools and institutions of higher learning should incorporate the
message of peace as a compulsory course at all levels of the studies.
In a more serious note, the three tiers of the government
should pay heed to the problem of unemployed graduates and other youths in the
country. The delay in paying pension and the reluctance to pay death benefits
are part of the forces escalating religious crisis in Nigeria. The youth wings
of all our registered political parties should be properly monitored and
controlled to curtail violence. Regional politics, corruption, nepotism and
tribalism must be squarely addressed by our laws by all the three tiers of
government. These neglected but serious issues are the building bricks of the
ethno-religious conflict in Nigeria. The insurgents, fanatics, intruders, fundamentalist,
area boys, area men and women, gunmen, suicide bombers, Alqa’ida, BOKO HARAM,
and whatever name, you may wish to give them, are the products of our unhealthy
acts and scandals in our official dealings. Thus, our prayer for peace is
unlikely to be heard and answered by God when we fail to be Godly in our
religious and related commitments.
The words: peace and peaceful
coexistence are available in the dictionaries of all the world languages and
cultures. Nigeria is not the number one most religious country in the world. It
is not the only most multi-religious community in the world. It is not the only
God fearing community in Africa, let alone the world as a whole. The original birthplaces
of Christianity and Islam, have other faiths in their midst leaving peacefully
as citizens of one country. Are we having different God with them or different
Holy books or different Prophets? If we believe in peace to be the umbilical
code of our faiths, Mr. Violence should not be entertained at all cost. In God’s
name, if things fall apart are we to use wrong procedure to normalize them? Can
two wrongs make a right? With corrupt religious adherents, pretenders and half
literate admonishers, wrongly imposed leadership the mood of the nation must be
dusty and chaotic. Let us thank our brother Shehu Uthman Abubakar for using the
right procedure to peep through the issues with the right lenses affordable by
all. May He by His Glory send back the bad postdated prayer of 2015 to the sender
with minimum delay. Ameen! In God we trust.
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HAUSA: Kuna iya rubuto mana tsokaci ko tambayoyi a ƙasa. Tsokacinku game da abubuwan da muke ɗorawa shi zai tabbatar mana cewa mutane suna amfana da wannan ƙoƙari da muke yi na tattaro muku ɗimbin ilimummuka a wannan kafar intanet.