Cite this article as: Sulaiman, A.A., Aliyu, M.T. & Gaya, M.U. (2023). Relevance of MaqᾹsid Al-Sharī‘ah in Enhancing Nomadic Female Education in Adamawa State. Zamfara International Journal of Humanities, (2)2, 87-95.
Relevance of MaqᾹsid Al-Sharī‘ah in Enhancing Nomadic Female
Education in Adamawa State
Prof. Abdullahi
Adamu Sulaiman
Department of Islam and Development Studies,
Nasarawa State
University Keffi, Nasarawa State, Nigeria
Phone No: +2348035369774
Prof. Muhammad
Tanko Aliyu
Department of Islamic Studies, Federal University Lafia,
Nasarawa State, Nigeria
Phone No: +234 (0) 8065355243
Maimuna Usman Gaya
of Islam and Development Studies,
Nasarawa State University Keffi, Nasarawa
State, Nigeria
Phone Number: 08161771945
The study attempts to examine
the relevance of Maqᾱsid al- Sharī،ah in enhancing nomadic female
education in Adamawa State, Nigeria. The objective of the study is to highlight
the challenges facing the female nomadic. The female nomadic are being
disrupted from acquiring and enjoying the dividend of education due to movement
from one place to another. This makes them remain in a state of ignorance. In
Islam, the search for knowledge is obligatory for all regardless of age and
gender. Yet, the nomadic females are deprived of it. The study employs the Maqᾱsid
approach as it is relevant for overcoming intellectual stagnation and improving
female nomads’ miserable social, cultural, economic and political conditions.
The study adopts mixed methods in obtaining its data. The interview was
used to get facts from the respondents across the six local government areas of
Adamawa State based on sampling. The findings of the study reveal that female
nomadic are facing some challenges such as Lukewarm attitudes of the parents
toward their female education, poverty, misunderstanding and misinterpretation
of the religion to mention but a few. The study concludes and recommends that
parents should try to obtain knowledge of the religion from the right scholars
and give their children the opportunity to acquire knowledge. The government
and the stakeholders should provide mobile schools and enlightenment programmes
on female education over the Radio and Television. There should be constant
enlightenment by scholars about the teachings of Islam among others.
Key Words: Maqᾱsid al- Sharī’ah,
Female nomadic and Enhancement of education
1.0 Introduction
Islam considers education as a basic necessity which aims
among others to produce God-fearing, reasonable, considerate and well-behaved
persons who will lead a meaningful life. Islam forbids injustice among one’s
children that one sex should not in any way be overburdened at the expense of others
(Elesin 114). Islam is totally against illiteracy, it deters neither man nor
woman from learning. Muslims are obliged to search for knowledge from the
cradle to the grave. With knowledge, a Muslim can worship Allah (S.W.T).
Religious education if taught to the child at the early stage of life will make
the child be of good morals and manners. This helps in producing good future
leaders hence, the hope of every society. Ahmed, Gaya & Mohammed (195-196),
posit that if children lack religious education, there is a tendency for them
to be in a state of ignorance about Allah (S.W.T) and that leads to many
problems. Similarly, if secular education is lacking, the children (female)
will grow up being ignorant hence, the transfer of ignorance to their children creates
underdevelopment in the society.
The relevance of Maqᾱsid al- Sharī’ah
towards enhancing female nomadic education intends to state the importance of Maqᾱsid al-Sharī’ah in their life and to help them make their mental transition
from a focus on means and methods to activity to achieve intentions and
objectives (Muhsin, 17). Maqᾱsid al- Sharī’ah constitutes
an all-encompassing theme of the Sharī’ah as all of its laws are in one way or
another related to the provision of benefits and prevention of harm.
Moreover, the Lukewarm attitudes of parents towards their
female education, poverty, misunderstandings and misinterpretations of the
religion, cultural and sectarian problems, and instability of the nomadic to
remain in a fixed place (residence) cause some challenges. It is against this background
that the research attempts to examine the challenges facing female nomadic
education in Adamawa State.
2.0 Islamic Education
Islamic education dwells on the formation of individuals who
will worship Allah (S.W.T) as He (S.W.T) should be worshipped and make use of
their knowledge for their wellbeing and the generality of society. Islamic
education is a system which transmits the revealed and acquired knowledge to
the younger generation of Muslims to worship Allah to prepare them for life and
enable them to discharge their duties as the vicegerent of Allah, the highest
on earth. It aims at the recognition of Allah as the Creator and Sustainer of
the universe and the sole source of values (NTI, 137).
Islam gives great importance to
education. It creates a comprehensive system of education. It always upholds
that a human being does not start his journey with ignorance and darkness but
with knowledge and light. After creating Adam (A.S) Allah (S.W.T) did not leave
him in ignorance and darkness rather He (S.W.T) taught Adam (A.S), the names of
all things as explained by the following verse:
And He taught Adam the
nature of all of the things; then He placed them before the Angels, and said:
“Tell Me of the nature of these if ye are right”. (Q2:31)
Allah (S.W.T) provided Adam (A.S) with basic
knowledge of things which distinguished him from all creatures. Allah (S.W.T)
continues to send Angel Jibril (A.S) to bring Allah’s messages to His
Messengers to educate the people about Allah (S.W.T) and the fundamentals of
human values. Therefore, the first commandment in the revelation to Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W)
began thus;
Proclaim! (or Read!) In the name
of thy Lord and Cherisher, Who created. Created man, out of a clot of congealed
blood; Proclaim! And thy Lord is Most Bountiful, He Who taught (The use of) the
Pen, Taught man that which he knew not… (Q96:1-5).
With the revelation of these verses, Islam considers
education as a basic necessity. Education is essential in knowing about your
rights and obligations. Those who know are not the same as those who do
not know. Those who know are elevated by Allah to great heights The Prophet (S.A.W) encourages Muslims to
seek knowledge thus,
Acquisition of knowledge is
compulsory for all Muslims (Ibn Majah, hadith 224. V. 1, 81)
education in Islam is not only for one to obtain knowledge but it is a process
of decoration of the nature and the character of an individual so that they can
jointly represent Islamic ethics.
2.1 Female Education
Females/women are regarded as
important human beings which is why the religion does not discriminate in all
dealings regarding them including education. One of the objectives of education
is to promote and enrich the faculty of the learners by imparting them good
knowledge with proper training. Female education is very vital because if
females are educated they become better wives, mothers and caretakers of the
family. The first advantage is freedom from ignorance. Educated females become
better and healthier Muslim wives and mothers. The strong, educated and wise
believers are far better than the weak ones. The wise and educated women spread
national development, improve medical and educational services to the community
and hence, improve child care delivery.
Hence, when females take care of their
medical services themselves, a better result would be obtained and it also
extends to other services that require female participation such as teaching,
court cases, including para-military services which require searching in these
in-securities situations that require female to search their female
counterparts, hence, the need for female education.
3.0 Maqᾱsid Al-Sharī’ah
Sharī’ah is an Arabic
word which simply means the path to be followed. It means ‘the way to a
watering place’. Sharī’ah is a path
not only leading to Allah (S.W.T) the Most High, but the path believed by all
Muslims to be the path shown by Allah (S.W.T) the Creator Himself through His
Messenger Muhammad (S.A.W) (Doi, 2). Allah (S.W.T)
obliged Muslims to strive for the implementation of Sharī’ah which has been
divinely ordained by Him. He says:
Then We put thee on the
(right) way of Religion: so follow thou that (Way), and follow not the desires
of those who know not (Q45:18).
In another verse, the Glorious Qur'an says:
…to each among you have We prescribed a law and
an open way… (Q5:51)
Similarly, Allah (SWT) says:
The same religion has He established for you as
that which He enjoined on Noah… (Q42:13)
The above citations contain the divine nature of
the Sharī’ah, the Islamic Law
containing rules and regulations for the benefit of mankind. Furthermore,
Hassan & Jami’u, (2) put forward that Shara’a
or Ash-Sharī’ah all mean that
which has been revealed to the Messenger of Allah as al-Qur’ᾱn or as-Sunnah,
containing canonical laws which deal with the faith, morality and actions among
other rules. Their submission portrays the divine nature of the Laws of Islam.
Moreso, Maudodi, (18) maintains that the Sharī’ah does not limit its functions
to providing us with an inventory of virtues and vices only; but it lays down
the entire scheme of life in such a manner that virtues may flourish and vices
may not pollute and destroy the Islamic society. Maudodi’s submission saintly
depicts any vice that may lead to the destruction of good virtues which Muslims
should shun.
The term Maqᾱsid (plural of Maqsad)
is an Arabic
word that refers to a purpose,
objective, principle, intent, or goal, and in Greek telos, in French finalite
and German Zweck, (Auda, 2). Therefore, when joined together Maqᾱsid al- Sharī’ah refers to the objective, purpose, goal, intent
etc. behind Islamic rulings i.e. the divine rules and regulations. Maqᾱsid al-Sharī’ah is an important science that defines the divine
wisdom, purpose, goal, intent etc. behind the rulings upon which Sharī’ah is
based (Muhammad, Umar & Inuwa, 21).
Sulaiman (223) maintains that Maqᾱsid means goal or purpose, when it refers to Sharī’ah it specifically means the goals and purposes of Sharī’ah. These have been classified into (2) two broad
Promotion of
the common good and benefit (Maslaha)
Avoidance and
protection from harm (Mafsadah)
(Abd-Salam, 4)
3.1 Five (5) Darurᾱt- Necessities or Essentials
Daruriyyat is the most central and critical theme in Maqᾱsid
al-Sharī’ah as it governs several
applications and forms the core of every discussion. The Daruriyyat are the cornerstone on which people’s religious and
world affairs depend. Their neglect will lead to turmoil and complete chaos.
Therefore, all actions aimed at their preservation must be duly taken, both by
the individual, collective entities and authorities (Muhsin, 1; Auda, 4 &
Kamali, 15).
This submission closely looks at the state of
the nomadic female education in Adamawa especially the selected areas of the
study, if their educational level is not attended to, their life cycles will be
in danger due to lack of obtaining proper education at the right time.
Therefore, all the means that lead to lawful and desirable ends should be
opened to block those that lead to prohibited ends.
Therefore, all the rules and
regulations in the Qur’ᾱn are for the benefit of mankind. The benefits as stated by the Scholars
of Maqᾱsid al-Sharī’ah are either encouraging Maslahah-good or preventing Mafsadah-evils. To (Ibn Ashur, 8) Maslahah means utmost righteousness and
goodness and is an attribute of the act whereby righteousness and goodness take
place in public or in private. It is also beneficial for the public or
individuals. While Mafsadah is the
opposite of Maslahah, an attribute of
the act whereby corruption or harm happens to the public or individuals.
Therefore, every situation which moves from justice to tyranny, from grace to
hardship, from goodness to corruption, from wisdom to absurdity, has nothing to
do with the Sharī’ah (Abubakar, 14
& Auda, 20). Below are some of the Qur’ᾱnic injunctions on Maqᾱsid al- Sharī’ah, thus:
I have only
created Jinns and men, that they may serve Me. (Q51:56).
Creation is not for idle spots or
play. Allah (S.W.T) has a serious purpose (Maqᾱsid) behind it
(Ali, 5032).
We sent thee not, but as a Mercy
for the all creatures. (Q21:107)
The Messenger
of Allah (S.W.T) was sent as a mercy for the whole world. Therefore, the goal (Maqᾱsid) of sending Allah‘s Messenger is
to serve as a mercy for all of us.
4.0 Concept of
The word
nomad describes a group of people or tribe that has no permanent abode but
moves about from place to place, using seasonally and often following a
traditional route or circuit according to the state of the pasturage or food
supply (Abdulrahman, 413). A nomad is a member of a group of people who have no
fixed home and move according to the season from place to place in search of
food, water and grazing land. Abdulrahman, (415) maintains that nomadic groups
that are found in different parts of the world fall into three categories,
gatherers; (ii) Itinerant workers and (iii) Pastoralists
4.1 Creation of Commission of Nomadic
sensitivity of the Government to the plight made the educational policy of
compensatory education formulated to care for their educational needs.
Consequently, a nomadic programme was instituted. The National Commission for
Nomadic Education was instituted and established by the Government with Decree
No. 41 of 12 December 1989, Abdulrahman, (417).
The programme
was aimed at acquiring functional literacy and numeracy as well as situational
changes and skills relevant to the lifestyles and occupational roles of the
nomads. Nomadic education is a programme aimed at providing basic education to
the school-going age children of nomadic pastoralists so that it will enhance
their integration and transform their life, Abba (106). However, the aim
of nomadic education is very clear that an explanation need not be made. But,
the problem is the implementation. Had it been that strict measures were taken
on the implementation the case for this study wouldn’t arise. This study is concerned
with the third (3rd) category of the nomads which is the
pastoralists. Hence, there is a good aim but no good implementation. While the Sharī’ah pursues protecting the five necessities
or essentials of life viz (protection of the faith, the life, the intellect,
the lineage and the property) hence, the need for Maqᾱsid al- Sharī’ah approach. Similarly, the study is intended for the
protection of the intellect of the female nomadic which in essence will lead to
the protection of their lives, faith and provision of wealth for the females.
4.2 Enhancement of Nomadic Female Education through Maqᾱsid
Looking at the major categories of Maqᾱsid al–Sharī’ah Daruriyyat, Hajiyyat and Tahsiniyyat each has relevance in the life of the female nomads.
First and foremost, Muslim Scholars
agree that Islamic Law calls for the preservation of the Essentials (Daruriyyat) and that these essential interests are vital to be preserved
namely: Faith, Life, Lineage, Intellect and Property. There is also a consensus
that whatever contributes to the preservation of these five essentials is a
benefit, and everything which causes them to be forfeited is a source of harm,
hence, its prevention is a benefit (Raysuni, 17). Muhsin (4) states, that these
essentials are crucial for the sound and healthy survival of humankind on earth
and to get excellence in the hereafter. Therefore, their absence will lead to
destruction and catastrophe in both worlds. The Shari’āh protects the intellect of its adherents. Hence, the
relevance of Maqᾱsid al-Shari’āh in
protecting the intellect is that intellect is a great gift from Allah (S.W.T)
to mankind. It is one of the capacities that differentiates mankind from
Therefore, protecting the intellect/mind
means that we safeguard it from anything that might harm the ability and
functions of the brain e.g. avoidance of consumption of liquor or any similar
substance that will disturb the function of the brain. In this regard, Allah
(S.W.T) prohibits taking intoxicants. Therefore, for the females to adequately
carry out the great and laudable tasks enjoined by the religion on them and the
tasks of child and home care they need education hence, protection of intellect
and it is one of the relevance of Maqᾱsid al- Sharī’ah. Therefore,
anything involving the protection of this fundamental is a benefit (Maslaha) and anything involving its destruction
is haram (Mafsadah) whose removal is
a benefit (Muhsin, 2). However, (Al-Raysuni, 17) posits that Al-Shatibi says
the true interest serves not to destroy life but to support and nurture it.
4.2.1 Protection of the Intellect- Maqᾱsid
Al-Shari’āh Approach
This study adopts the fourth of the
essentials of Maqᾱsid al-Sharī’ah i.e. hifzul aql (protection of the
intellect) because of its importance to the overall development of human beings.
If this necessity is acquired, the remaining four can easily be protected. People’s
minds need protection from anything that would create disorder. Otherwise, any
type of disorder of the intellect will lead to serious corruption. Therefore,
any defect affecting the mind of an individual leads to a partial corruption of
the society, while a defect affecting the mind of the community will lead to
total devastation, corruption and evil (Chapra, 10).
Moreover, (Muhammad, Umar & Inuwa,
23) posit that Scholars such as al-Ghazali have proposed education models that
highlight development as an integral part of learning, leading ultimately to
knowledge of God. Therefore, the female nomads can obtain solid education only
if their intellects are well protected. Hence, by protecting the intellect of
the female nomads through the application of al-Sharī’ah as stressed the Maqᾱsid nourish
it with sound knowledge and useful education and not through hawking and rearing
cattle. It is, therefore, expected that the intellect of the female nomads will
benefit them, their families, society and the generality of the populace.
Furthermore, the command to “…ask the
people of the message if you do not know” Q16:43. Encouragement for the Muslims
to pray for the increase me in knowledge which says “… say My Lord increase me
in knowledge” Q20:114. Similarly, Q58:11 states that…” God will raise to
(suitable) ranks (and degrees) those of you who believe and who have been
granted (mystic) knowledge…” Q35:28 says the fear of Allah (S.W.T) mostly comes
from those who know; “…those truly fear God, among His servants, who know...”Other
verses condemn those who “do not think” or “do not use their minds” Q3:66 &
71. However, other verses praise those who learn, contemplate, think, discern,
reason and seek protection from worthless information Q49:6. All these
teachings and encouragements are to help protect the intellect of an individual
and others which the female nomads require in daily life. One of the purposes of Maqᾱsid is to fulfil
the duties of ‘Ibadah, Khilafah and Amanah, to ensure the earth is going
well and useful to all mankind, to facilitate the way towards excellence here
and hereafter, and to populate and civilize the earth and preserve the order of
peaceful coexistence therein.
4.3 Challenges
Facing Female Nomads
In every striving towards good, one will expect some
challenges in future, which care has to be taken to stop its occurrence. The causes
of challenges facing the Female Nomads, in Adamawa State, Nigeria include among
others the following:- Neglect of parental roles, poverty, misunderstanding and
misinterpretation of the religion, improper location of schools, lack of funds
to manage the schools, lack of proper training of the indigenous.
i. Neglect of Parental Roles
The parents are the means through whom a child comes into
this world. They are enjoined in Islam to take proper care of the child. It is,
therefore, the right of the child to be provided with good dealings, because
children are the symbol of achievement, a source of pride, hope and
satisfaction. They are the link between one generation and another, Sada (19).
Parents who neglect their roles of taking proper care of their children such as
feeding, good maintenance, provision of adequate shelter, and encouraging them
to seek knowledge of both Islamic and Western are abandoning their duties, they
are therefore, making their children not get proper guidance and protection
(Patu Ibrahim in an interview).
ii. Poverty/ Looking for Sustenance
Poverty is one of the greatest challenges affecting the
female nomads. The nomadic parents do move about looking for suitable grazing places
for their herds by so doing they equally look for sustenance for their family
(Ahmadu Yakubu & Suleiman Adamu in an interview). This scenario greatly
affects the female not to settle at a fixed place to benefit from schooling because
where they migrate to graze their herds may usually not have school facilities the female children may end up acquiring household-related
activities from their mothers and sisters (Innajo Shuaibu in an interview); in
addition to the production of dairy products like cheese, milk to sell the
products in the nearby markets. Hence, they are also deprived of the benefit of
regular schooling (Dija Ahmadu in an interview) because they do not stay in one
iii. Misunderstanding and Misinterpretations of the Religion
One of the major causes of challenges to female education is
the poor or little knowledge of Islam among Muslims, especially in rural areas.
Some parents according to AbdulHamid, (42) are not aware of the Islamic
injunctions to seek knowledge and so do not support the majority of the girls in
acquiring Islamic education. Some scholars mix the religion with their cultural
beliefs about the tenets of the religion thereby misleading their followers by
discouraging females from acquiring education. An ignorant child who does not have
a proper direction to education either Islamic or secular becomes a great
threat to society. Imam, (24) states that such ignorance can either be from
one’s faith which makes him act contrary to the teachings of his religion or from
other people’s faith. Some parents according to (Aji Habu in an interview) are
not aware of the Islamic injunctions to seek knowledge and so do not support the
majority of the females to acquire Islamic education. Other parents keep their female wards
out of school thinking that religiously it is prohibited for a female to be
educated (Innawuro Adamu in an interview). Hence, misinterpretation of the
religion also made some parents not send their females to school. Others even
denied their male children for fear of Western education that may lead their
children out of Islam (Jummare Bello & Adamu Yakubu in an interview).
iv. Improper Location of Schools
Muhammadu Bello in an interview, laments that the improper
location of schools creates problems by preventing the females from attending
schools. Some highly populated schools have little infrastructure while those
with a few populations have many. Similarly, some communities with highly
populated people have few schools while those with few people have little and
sometimes none at all. The places where schools were erected in the majority of
the nomadic areas were not suitable for the indigenes hence, creating problems
for the nomads.
v. Inadequate Provision of Fund
Insufficient funding creates a great vacuum in the smooth
running of the schools. Yusufa Muhammadu & Muhammad Bello in an interview
maintain that lack of prompt payment of the salary of the teachers makes most
teachers not attend their places of work. Similarly, the lack of provision of
adequate facilities and the like disrupted the school systems hence, those
females who had interest later developed a lack of interest towards education.
vi. Lack of Training of the indigenes
The non-involvement of the indigenes at the planning level,
the implementation and even in addressing the problems also create problems.
According to (Babayo Isa & Patu Ibrahim in an interview) if the government
wants to address the problems of female nomads the indigenes should be
contacted and employed. Moreover, there is a dire need for the government to
train the indigenes to be teachers, administrators and other required staff in
running the affairs of the schools.
5.0 Conclusion
Islam is a religion that is based on knowledge. A Muslim
cannot carry out his duty correctly without knowledge. The Prophet (S.A.W) was
raised to Prophethood with knowledge. Hence, religion encourages seeking for
knowledge. All the Islamic injunctions that addressed males are also binding on
females. Sharī’ah being the path
leading to the Creator contains objectives, aims, goals and purposes. The
purpose of man’s creation, for instance, is to worship Allah (S.W.T).
Therefore, the study briefly states the meaning of Islamic education, female
education, Maqᾱsid al-Sharī’ah and the
five necessities of Sharī’ah that are to be protected such as protection of the
faith, life, lineage, intellect, and property. The concept of nomadic was also briefly
mentioned. The creation of the commission of nomadic education, and the enhancement
of the female nomadic through Maqᾱsid al-Sharī’ah were
as well captured. Similarly, the protection of the intellect through the Maqᾱsid approach was highlighted briefly, it encourages them to
seek knowledge in all ramifications so that their faith and intellect can be
used for good (Maslaha) not just for
hawking and rearing cattle. Yet, female nomads in Adamawa are still facing some
challenges in obtaining knowledge. Examples are numerous such as neglect of
parental roles, poverty, misunderstanding and misinterpretation of the
religion, improper location of schools, and lack of funds to manage the
schools, lack of proper training of the indigenous, among others.
Hence, all evil ends (Mafsada)
such as rearing cattle and hawking that deny them the opportunity to be
educated should be prevented, stopped and blocked rather suitable areas should
be earmarked for all nomads and comfortable educational facilities should be
provided to encourage them to attend school so that they can be educated thus,
tapping from the objectives of Shari’āh. The study concludes and proffers
6.0 Recommendations
In addition to the above ways of
enhancing the female nomadic education through Maqᾱsid al-Sharī’ah, the challenges facing nomadic females toward obtaining education
should be tackled in the following ways;
Muslim parents should imbibe the
splendid characters and the pattern of life from the Prophet (S.A.W).
Parents should take care of their
children because children are trusted and gifts. They should also remember that
Allah frowns and warns those parents who do not take care of their families.
should obtain knowledge from the rightful scholars and give their children the opportunity
to acquire knowledge too.
government should provide enough funds to alleviate
the poverty conditions of parents. The nomadic parents should be empowered so
that they can also empower their children through provisions of skills
according to the nature of their living such as crafts, marketing, and sewing
to mention but only a few.
Stable abodes with relevant school
facilities should be provided to the nomads by the government to stabilize
Correct Religious scholars should be
provided for them, to teach them sound knowledge. Teachings should be in the form
of train-the-trainers to produce learned indigenes who can take the mantle to
continue teaching the communities, hence, tackling misunderstandings and
misinterpretations of the religion.
There should be constant awareness,
workshops and serious campaigns on the importance and values of education to
the nomads by the government, scholars and relevant stakeholders over the
Radios, Televisions and other means of communication available.
should be redefined to attract the
nomads. Those communities without schools should be provided with modern schools
by the government and stakeholders, with the consent of the communities. This
would tackle the issues of improper location of schools among the nomads.
Mobile schools should also be provided,
monitored, and be provided with relevant materials, equipment and facilities to
motivate them.
Indigenes should be well trained, and informed
and be part of planning and decision-making. These would also go a long way in
tackling most of the problems and the issues of not allowing their female wards
to attend school will be drastically reduced.
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