The Poet
Abdullahi Ibrahim Nashe, mibiol, was born in Kano in 1956. Now retired from service, he was a staff of Kano State Water Board; a former General Manager in Charge of Water Production and Quality Control. He is a Water and Waste Water Quality Professional. A member of Institute of Public Analysts of Nigeria, a Council Governing Member. He now manages his own company Mediwat Water and Waster Quality Consulting Company and Mediwat Computer Science School. The Computer School is designed to teach less privileged youth to learn how to use the computer, for obvious reasons. Nashe likes writing poems. He has written so many and will soon finish producing his book of poems.
The Poem
Life what a wonderful view
The view of yesteryear
Reminding of tender years
With its gratis, boundless
And untamed vista
The view of what to come
Reminding the old of the ultimate
The ultimate destination With its delusion and aberration
Destination yet unknown
Yet expecting the best
For the promise of the compassionate
The incentive of the benevolence
Light of the best of humans
When the ultimate has come
And the promise fulfilled
The trepidation has gone
Then love would truly be true.
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HAUSA: Kuna iya rubuto mana tsokaci ko tambayoyi a ƙasa. Tsokacinku game da abubuwan da muke ɗorawa shi zai tabbatar mana cewa mutane suna amfana da wannan ƙoƙari da muke yi na tattaro muku ɗimbin ilimummuka a wannan kafar intanet.