The Poet
Juwairiyya Bawale Warah was born on the 4th of December. She is a graduate of English Literature from Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto (UDUS), currently working with Radio Nigeria Equity FM Birnin Kebbi, as News Presenter and producer of a program 'Taskar Marubuta' and 'Don Iyali'.
The Poem
My heart bleeds
Of agony and trauma
Yearning to see your smile
Yearning to feel your cuddle
My heart cries
For myself and my siblings
You are close yet missing
I am that Baby that Baby that become a woman yet a child
I cry without tears
I struggle, stumbled and fell
Yet I got up
You are here again, but the pain and trauma is still inside
I cry for I am broken.
The Story
I was brought up in a broken home
My parents were divorced when I was in Primary Two. My mother left me all alone. She came back when I was in JSS 2, gave birth to my two siblings and left again when I was in SS 1. I brought my siblings up while I was so young and tender, also needing the love and care of our mother.
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