Cite this article as: Ojoo, S.Y. & Ibrahim, A.G. (2023) A Pragmatics Analysis of Language Use in Selected Nigerian Newspaper Headlines on Banditry Reportage. Zamfara International Journal of Humanities, (2)2, 12-23.
A Pragmatics Analysis
of Language Use in Selected Nigerian Newspaper Headlines on Banditry Reportage
Saidu Yahaya Ojoo,
English &
Federal University
Gusau, Zamfara State, Nigeria
Email: 08036498672
Almu Gafai Ibrahim
Department of English
National Open
University of Nigeria
Katsina Study Centre,
Katsina State, Nigeria
Email: a / +2348036137588
The paper examines
the analysis of language use in Nigerian Newspapers on banditry Reportage. A
Speech Act Analysis of headlines in The Guardian and The Punch newspaper
reports on banditry are considered with a view to finding out the speech acts
that characterize the headlines. The speech act presents and documents
locutionary, illocutionary and perlocutionary acts that convey the intention of
speakers in banditry speeches. In an attempt to carry out the analysis, the
study randomly collected 16 headlines on banditry from the Punch newspaper and
the Guardian newspaper respectively. These headlines were analyzed to reveal
their speech act import. The study adopted a qualitative descriptive research
method. The speech act theory as modified by Searle (1969) serves as the
theoretical framework of analysis for the study. The findings reveal that three
of the five speech acts modified are found in the headlines reported in the
selected newspaper headlines but the assertive dominates the occurrence of the
speech acts. In conclusion, headlines reported concerning banditry may serve as
weapons of negotiation, dialogue, intimidation, blackmail, incitement and
coercion and thus create an atmosphere of fear and anxiety within the country.
Based on this, the paper recommends that language users or communicators on
either side of the contention must think before they speak, such speech should
be devoid of rage, emotion, and irrationality, but must reflect calm, reality
and humility.
Keywords: Use of
Language, Newspapers, Headlines, Banditry, Reportage
According to Mey (2001, p. 6-7), "Pragmatics as the
study of the way human beings use their language in communication, bases itself
on a study of those premises and determine how they affect human language
use." Speech acts are widely recognized as a type of human communication
activity. Identifying the different sorts of speech activities might help a
listener or reader deduce information that the speaker does not directly
transmit. The majority of past research on headline language has mainly
concentrated on the stylistic and rhetorical features of those used in
newspapers. We shall bring to the fore by way of reviewing the already existing
literature in the course of this work. Newspaper publishers are excellent at
selecting specific headlines and assuming motives or meaning to a newspaper.
Context (both situational and cultural context) is vital in these decisions.
These pragmatic factors determine the use of lexico-syntactic approaches,
lexico-semantic patterns, and the mode of presenting information in a coherent
shape in a headline. As a result, the headlines in every newspaper are
pragmatic. It is pragmatic because the headline developer has an overarching
aim in mind for the phrase. As a result, the message, medium, substance, and
shape all have a pragmatic undercurrent. This is because every newspaper
publisher envisions an audience for their content (themes and concerns) as well
as form (language choices and patterns).
Language has evolved in multiple ways to transmit various
concepts. As a result, some newspaper headlines have used speech acts to
express both explicit and inferred meanings, particularly in the context of
language users. This illustrates that language use changes as a result of age,
occupation, purpose, social status, culture, and what Lawal (1997) refers to as
Mutual contextual beliefs (MCBs), which Osisanwo (2003) mentions. According to
Halliday (2004), language serves three major functions: ideational function,
interpersonal function, and textual function. Ideational language is the use of
words to reflect one's experience of the real world, inner consciousness, and
symbolization. To maintain social interactions, language users engage in the
interpersonal function of language. Meetings, social gatherings, and education
are all examples of such linkages. This use of language fosters social cohesion
and helps to preserve society's social fabric. Textual function refers to the
use of language to create various types of texts. One thing to keep in mind is
that language usage at these several levels varies on every Banditry newspaper
headline; therefore, Pragmatic Act.
Brief Overview of the
Evolution of Banditry in Nigeria
Banditry is not a new phenomenon in Nigeria, as many
people believe. According to anecdotal and factual evidence, the phenomenon
existed before Nigeria was established as a political entity. Banditry was
documented in colonial Nigeria as early as the 1930s, according to Jaafar
(2018). Jaafar provides historical context for this claim: Travelers and
merchants moving via our local trade corridors faced the difficulties and
hazards of ambush by unknown bandits back then. Armed bandits and criminals
have been known to target donkey carts, camel carts, and ox carts. Bandits
would steal the merchandise and flee into the bush along our trading routes.
That is only one aspect of the problem. Other times, the bandits would raid
rural settlements and villages, murdering and destroying property. The bandits
would destroy nearly everything in their path during such raids, including
riches, farm produce, and so on. This subculture existed before the arrival of
colonialists in northern Nigeria (Jaafar, 2018, p.2). Banditry has a long
history in northwestern Nigeria, according to The Humanitarian (2018), with the
first reported incident occurring in 1901 somewhere between western Hausa
country and the Niger border, when a 12,000-strong camel caravan carrying
various grains was attacked and 210 merchants were slaughtered. Although
banditry has existed for as long as Nigeria has, The Humanitarian (2018) shows
that its scope and depth have grown since its inception. Due to Nigeria's
current security dialectics, groups of criminals, typically adolescents from
farming and herding communities and/or local bandits, plunder villages, engage
in highway robbery, and rustle cattle for personal gain (Bagu and Smith, 2017).
1.2 Statement of the
The complicated pattern of language diversity and the news
about bandits can convey more than we grasp. It is a Nigerian problem that we
must address together. Linguists are interested in insurgency speeches and
publications because language is a fantastic resource that gives all language
users many opportunities. Participants in the insurgency are urged to speak up.
In Nigeria, both the government and rebel sides employ language effectively in
a range of conflict scenarios. Therefore, the current study is intended to
study a pragmatics analysis of language use in selected Nigerian Newspaper
Headlines reportage.
1.3 Aim and
Objectives of the Study
This study aims to conduct a pragmatic analysis of chosen
newspaper headlines about banditry. As a result, the research aims to meet the
study's goal with the following objectives:
i. Determine the kinds of elocutionary acts used in the
ii. Determine the illocutionary acts in each headline.
iii. Determine possible perlocutionary acts embedded in
the headlines.
1.4 Research Questions
i. What is the type of locutionary act used in the
ii. What is the illocutionary act in the headlines?
iii. What is the perlocutionary act used in the
Literature Review and Conceptual Clarifications
Language usage in the media as a tool for communicating
with the general public differs from language usage in other industries in several
ways. "Everything that happens to be printed in a newspaper or written by
a journalist is not going to be linguistically homogeneous," Davy and
Crystal. This is to imply that because newspaper headlines are worded
differently, they reveal more information than they are intended to convey.
Furthermore, Crystal and Davy argue that there is no reason to presume such
"homogeneity" because, due to their creative character, newspapers
are often highly different. Because of the diversity of print and online media
terminology, meanings and interpretations vary. There is a lot of journalese
out there in many shapes and purposes, and this particular use of language aids
readers in understanding sociologically focused content. According to Taiwo
(2004), one thing to consider when reading press articles is prejudice. In most
cases, a newspaper's political ideology determines its opinions, i.e. which
political party, ideology, and socioeconomic policies it supports. In contrast,
bias does not have to be political. Journalists' reporting on certain persons,
places, and organizations may be prejudiced. Several journalists have been accused
of bias for failing to offer a balanced viewpoint in a report. In general,
media literature depicts societal and socio-cultural themes by addressing the
following questions: what, why, who, when, where, and how.
Language and media can also be researched using media
linguistics, which is the linguistic study of language use in the media. The
fact that media text is now one of the most widespread types of language is an
important component of media linguistics, which is a new systematic way to study
media language. Khodjayorov Malik, Berdimurodovich (2022-04-30). It
investigates the role of language in the media domain, as represented by print,
audiovisual, digital, and networked media. Language use is considered an interaction
between social and cognitive communication processes in media linguistics.
Media linguistics, like psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics, developmental
linguistics, legal linguistics, and political linguistics, is a subfield of
linguistics. Modern media linguistics is the study of media written language as
well as media speech. The study of (1) the speech behaviour of participants in
mass communication and (2) specific places, textures, and genres of media texts
is known as media linguistics. Texts, as well as their production and
reception, are studied in media linguistics. Martin Luginbuhl (2015). Monika
Bednarek (2018). Thus, in general, media linguistics seeks to explain the
unique example of language operating in mass communication with its complex structure
and dynamic properties in the context of broader trends in language and speech
culture. Hult, Francis M. (June 24, 2010). Language is studied about
medium-specific variables such as the defining features of media texts or
platforms, and multimodality analysis is used on occasion. Martin Luginbuhl
What is Pragmatics?
The term "pragmatics" is derived from the Greek
word "pragma," which means "matter," "thing," and
"action" (Linke, Nussbaumer, and Portmann, 1996). "Pragmatics is
the study of language use that is concerned with the meaning of utterances
rather than a grammatical sentence or proposition," Wales (1989, p. 365)
points out. On the other hand, Yule (1996: 1) states that "Pragmatics is
concerned with the study of meaning as communicated by a speaker (or writer)
and interpreted by a listener (or reader)." Recent definitions of
pragmatics include "the study of the meaning of words, phrases, and full
sentences, and it is more concerned with the meaning that words convey when
they are used, or with intended speaker meaning, as it is sometimes referred
to" (Wisniewski, 2007). When specific utterances are used, specific
meanings are obtained beyond the overt linguistic expression; yet, they are
conveyed by linguistic codes. The purpose of this study is to highlight meaning
outside of language by using some pragmatic theories and aspects, namely how
pragmatic concerns are incorporated into the speech act, pragmatic act, and
presupposition. Pragmatics is the study of how people communicate rather than
what they say. The speakers' utterances are more important in communicating
than the words or phrases themselves. Yule (1996:3) defines pragmatics as
"the study of what people mean by their utterances rather than the study
of what the words or phrases in those utterances might signify on their
own." Speakers must pay careful attention to the context since pragmatics
is inextricably linked to the context or setting in which something is
expressed. Pragmatics, according to Leech (983: 6), is the study of meaning in
connection to speech contexts. Yule (1996), according to Leech's statement,
says that pragmatics should address context components such as who people are
talking to, when, where, and under what conditions they will say it, and what
they want to communicate.
According to Yule (1996:3), pragmatics is concerned with
four areas:
1. Pragmatics is the study of the meaning of a speaker.
2. Pragmatics is the study of meaning in the context of
3. Pragmatics is the study of effective communication
rather than merely saying what you want to say.
4. Pragmatics is the study of how people communicate
their relative distance to one another.
In general, we must be able to absorb the message of the
utterances through pragmatics, which is being aware that the words or phrases
contain more significance than the actual meaning of what is spoken.
Pragmatics, according to Richard and Schmidt (2002), is "the study of the
use of language in communication-related to sentences and the context and
situations in which they are used."
Leech (1983) defines pragmatics as "the study of how
utterances have meaning in situations," whilst Black More (1982) states
that "pragmatics is concerned with the mental structure underlying the
ability to interpret utterances in context." From the perspective of
Kemson (1986), "pragmatics is the study of the general cognitive
principles involved in the retrieval of information from an uttered sequence of
1. The topic of the speech
2. Communication ideas that are widely recognized
3. The speaker's objectives
In contrast, general pragmatics is the study of the
principles that regulate the communicative use of language, particularly as
manifested in conversation ideas, which may be explored as putative universals
or limited to the study of a specific language. Pragmatics is the study of
language from the perspective of language users, specifically decisions made,
elements encountered in the cause of language usage in social interaction, and
the effects of language use manifesting on another communicative participant.
That is, pragmatics is the study of how utterances are used and interpreted in
context; how the speaker-hearer link influences how sentences are formed as
well as how the speaker uses and interprets speech activities.
Banditry is a redefinition of the term bandit, which
refers to an unlawful armed gang that terrorizes and robs others. It is linked
to the emergence of gangs that attack victims with small and light weapons.
Banditry may refer to a planned illegal operation carried out for personal gain
in this context. Because bandits' techniques are so complicated, Egwu (2016)
defined banditry as "the practice of stealing cattle and animals from
herders or raiding cattle from their ranches." Banditry manifests itself
in cattle rustling, kidnapping, armed robbery, drug abuse, arson, rape, and the
brazen and gruesome massacre of people from agrarian communities with
sophisticated weapons by suspected herdsmen, as well as retaliation attacks
from surviving victims (Uche&Iwuamadi, 2018). According to Shalangwa
(2013), banditry is the practice of raiding and attacking victims, whether on
purpose or not, by members of an armed gang with the intention of overwhelming
the victim and collecting treasure or attaining some political goals. Outlaws,
desperate and lawless marauders who travel the forest and mountains to avoid
being identified, arrested, and imprisoned, are stereotypes of such bandits.
Bandits are individuals or groups who harass and rob
locals and visitors of important commodities or property such as merchandise,
money, cattle, camels, and sheep, among others, within and along rural borders
with the help of local collaborators.
Another definition of banditry includes armed robberies
or other violent crimes such as kidnapping, livestock rustling, and village or
market raids, as well as using or threatening to use force to intimidate a
person or group of people to loot, rape, or kill (Okoli &Okpaleke 2014). In
this paper, banditry is defined as the totality of armed robberies or related
violent crimes, such as kidnapping, cattle rustling, village raids, and highway
raids, that involve the use of force, or the threat of force, to intimidate a
person or group of people to rob, rape, kidnap, or kill the victims. Banditry
is a horrific crime against humanity that is also a regular cause of violence
in modern society (Nigeria Watch, 2011). The use of force or the fear of force,
to terrify someone to rob, rape, or kill them is known as banditry. Furthermore,
the term "bandit" (which entered English through Italian around 1590)
derives from the early Germanic legal practice of prohibiting offenders known
as *bannan (English ban), and the legal term in the Holy Roman Empire was
AchtorReichsacht, which translates as "ban," and the modern Italian
counterpart word "bandito" literally means "banned" or
"a banned person."
The Newspaper
A newspaper is a monthly publication that provides
written information about current events. Typically, it is written in black ink
on a white or grey background. Opinion columns, weather predictions, reviews of
local services, obituaries, birth announcements, crossword puzzles, editorial
cartoons, comic strips, and advice sections are all common features in
newspapers. The great majority of newspapers are for-profit enterprises that
generate revenue via subscriptions, newsstand sales, and advertising.
Newspapers are commonly used to represent publishing companies. Newspapers were
traditionally printed (typically on low-quality, low-cost newsprint). Today,
however, the majority of newspapers are also published as online newspapers on
websites, and many have abandoned their print equivalents. Newspapers first
appeared as business information sheets in the 17th century. Many communities
in Europe, as well as North and South America, had newspapers by the early
nineteenth century. Some newspapers are considered "newspapers of
record" because of their editorial independence, great journalism, and
massive circulation. It is acceptable to say that news editorials are
inextricably linked to headlines.
News Headlines
News is defined as stories or information about social
events "that are of interest to a sufficiently large group, or that may
affect the lives of a sufficiently large group" (Reah, 1998:4). It is,
however, influenced by the journalist's ideological perspective as well as the
media organization for which the journalist works. The journalistic process
includes "systematic sorting and selecting of events and topics according
to a socially constructed set of categories" (Fowler, 1991:12). A news
headline is the title of a news report that includes the entire topic. The main
headline of a magazine or newspaper is usually on the first page. The headline,
which is often shown in huge characters, summarizes the story's important
themes. They take up more space than the texts they relate to, and essential
words or phrases are highlighted or bolded. This is done to draw attention to a
specific word or topic. The headline's words are usually brief and to the
point. The vocabulary is impacted by the ideas to be expressed, printing
technology, and the readership associated with the paper or magazine. Printing
technology enables for customization of style, available space, and relevant
photographs. Other considerations include simplicity, informality, and impact
(Freeborn et al, 1986).
Austin (1962) and Searle (1969) define language or speech
as doing particular tasks such as conveying a fact or opinion, confirming or
rejecting, forecasting, warning, condemning, baptizing, promising, praising, or
calming. When speakers or writers "do things with words," they are
communicating the underlying purpose of the utterance, which is to make a
promise, command, threat, critique, greeting, or announcement. Leech (1983). The
headline is the most important piece of news in a newspaper, because it is what
readers see at first, even if just briefly. Headlines aid in information
clarification and reader motivation. Headlines are more than just summaries of
news items; they are also functional components of stories that are
pragmatically constructed to fulfil specific tasks while also contributing to
social transformation and country growth. When editors encode facts in news
stories, they do more than simply educate or report the truth; they also add an
underlying or embedded meaning to it. Several research on newspaper headlines
have been conducted. For example, one study looked into the use of ambiguity in
speech as a pragma-stylistic tactic in newspaper headlines. Another study was
conducted on the pragmatic analysis of Boko-Ham attack news in the Daily Trust
and the Nation to detect the speech acts committed.
The most important part of headlines in media discourse,
according to Bell (1991:189), is the sort of language used, how the headline
writer or editor uses language to pique the reader's interest, and what speech
acts they can use to deliver their message. According to Ungerel (2000:48), a
headline in a few words captures the core of a news piece. It conveys
information quickly and clearly while also capturing the reader's attention.
Dor (2003:720) goes on to say that it is "a communicative device whose function
it is to produce the optimal level of affinity between the story's content and
the reader's context of interpretation." According to Fowler (1991:12), it
is "a systematic sorting and selecting of events and topics according to a
socially constructed set of categories."
Framework: Speech Act Theory
A speech act is a genuine utterance in a communication
setting. The theory is based on the work of British philosopher John Langshaw
Austin (1911-1960), who worked at Oxford and expanded his views in a series of
lectures given shortly before his death and published as How to Do Things with
Words in 1962. Austin describes the Speech Act as a communicative utterance
that fulfils a purpose. Austin was a member of the ordinary language philosophy
school, which held that one of the primary tasks of language was to carry out
socially significant activities. This explains his sensitivity to language use.
Speech acts are accomplished by distinct verbs, and attempts have been made to
classify them according to the sort of speech act. Austin starts by
distinguishing between constative and performative verbs. The first category
includes items that describe reality, such as rain. All weekend it poured
heavily. Because they can be either true or incorrect, these phrases have truth
value. Performative verbs differ from regular verbs. They assist two or more
speakers in achieving an interactional aim. The verb promise is an unusual
example because it is verbal. There is no work done in the phrase I promise to
assist you with the task, but the speaker expresses a real desire to assist you
When we examine Austin's speech act theory from this
angle, we see that he solved some key issues that have largely gone unnoticed.
In general, post-Austin speech act theorists focus on understanding
illocutionary acts in a limited sense. John Searle, a vociferous proponent of
Austin's ideas, inherits and builds on parts of them (Searle 1969), but
develops the theory in his way.
While speech act theory will be applied in this study, it
is crucial to grasp the three critical instruments that will be utilized in
analyzing selected Banditry newspaper headlines: locutionary act, illocutionary
act, and perlocutionary act.
A locutionary act, also known as an utterance act or a
locution, is the act of making a meaningful utterance, which is preceded by
silence and followed by silence. The word elocutionary act was invented by J.
L. Austin, a British philosopher, in his 1962 book "How to Do Things with
Words." Austin's locutionary act concept was later supplanted by what
Searle called the propositional act, or the act of expressing something. In
linguistics, a locutionary act is the performance of a context or utterance. It
is the most concentrated type of speech act. In other words, headlines are
decoded based on context, especially these days.
Austin divides illocutionary acts into five categories:
verdictives, exercitives, commissive, behabitives, and expositive. J.R. Searle,
an American philosopher, expanded on Austin's ideas, emphasizing the importance
of linking the uses of signals or expressions to their social context.
Searle's (1969) classification is based on the concept
that Austin's classification is insufficient, and it is divided into five
1. Assertive: By expressing, reporting, claiming,
declaring, and so on, speakers commit to the reality of some assertions.
2. Directives: utterances used to achieve a purpose, such
as asking, ordering, commanding, demanding, begging, and so on.
3. Commissive: speakers agree to do something in the
future, such as promising, offering, swearing, and so on.
4. Expressive: the act of expressing a psychological
state, such as thanking, apologizing, condoling, or cheering.
Declarations are speech acts, such as naming a ship,
quitting, dismissing, accepting, and so on, whose effective performance results
in the correspondence of propositional content and actuality.
Commanding, daring, nominating, resigning, threatening,
warning, denouncing, rebuking, and other illocutionary acts are examples.
Speech actions theory is primarily concerned with how interlocutors (speakers
and listeners) comprehend one another despite the potential that they say what
they do not mean and mean what they do not say (Lawal 2003).
The main charactership of perlocutionary statements is
the effect on the addressee caused by or as a result of expressing anything.
The primary source of data was used to collect data for
this research article. The information acquired for this study comes from an
electronic source. The researchers searched online for numerous headlines
published by the selected newspapers. The researchers also read the news
extensively to help with the analysis. The selected headlines were collected
from numerous newspaper publishers, including the Daily Trust, Daily Sun,
Vanguard, and The Guardian. This study examined newspaper headlines from 2021
to 2023, focusing on headlines chosen at random from The Punch and The Guardian
publications. Materials on the Speech Act theory were collected from authorized
web sources to undertake a thorough assessment of the selected headlines using
this theory.
Data Presentation and
Datum 1: Bandits storm Kaduna LGs and highways, killing
eight people and kidnapping 20 others before stealing motorcycles.
Bandits have killed eight people in Kaduna State's Igabi,
Chikun, and Zango-Kataf local government areas. The Punch, Wednesday, January
3, 2022. p.5
Datum 2: The bandit gale attack in Kaduna. The storm of
attacks by bandits, now labelled as terrorists, in the Northwestern portion of
the country, particularly Kaduna and Niger states, lasted all weekend, leaving
bodies, fires, and the displacement of civilians in its wake.
The Guardian, 31 January 2022, p.2.
Datum 3: Insecurity: 10,366 people dead by 2021, Buhari
promises reform in the N'East. The gale of banditry attacks, now characterized
as frightening the Northwestern Part of the country, particularly Kaduna and
Niger States, continued all weekend, leaving in its wake body, fire, and
citizen displacement. 3 February 2021, The Guardian
Datum 4: Bandits kill 93 people in Zamfara; the
government calls for self-defence and suspends the emir. Bandits have killed 93
persons in Kadawa village, Zurmi Local Government Area, Zamfara State, while
injuring many more. The Punch, 12 June 2021. P. 8
In Kaduna, Niger, bandits kill dozens in new attacks.
At least ten people were killed in the center of
relentless attacks suspected Fulani militia, and numerous residences were set
on fire. The attackers opened fire on the Mawai community in Zaman Dabo Village
in ZangonKataf Council in the early hours of yesterday. "Most of those
killed were burned in their houses as they were also set of people were fast
asleep at the time the gunmen struck," an eyewitness said. Chairman of
ZangonKataf Local Council, Francis Angwa Sani, confirmed the attack. "At
this time, I am unable to confirm the number of those killed because I am
awaiting the official report."
The Guardian, 31 January 2022, p.2.
Datum 5: An inspector and two others are killed in Ogun
when police fight bandits in a gun battle.
"At the end of the encounter, which lasted about 20
minutes, two of the bandits were shot dead while others escaped with gunshot
injuries as SaalaOrile forest, Yewa North Local Government Council of Ogun
State." OmolayoOlajide, a police inspector, was tragically killed during
the gunfight.
The Guardian, 27 January 2022. P. 6
Datum 1: Locutionary Act: Bandits storm Kaduna LGs and
highways, killing eight people and kidnapping 20 others before stealing
motorcycles. The Punch, Wednesday, January 3, 2022. p.5
Assertive (Stating) the fact that the speakers used facts
to back what they claimed. Expected Perlocutionary Effect: The criminals'
actions cause dread and anxiety among Nigerians.
The preceding speech is used to ascertain the truth about
a banditry situation. As a result, it is a powerful speaking performance.
Anyone who reads/hears the utterance is aware of the bandit dilemma. The deeds
of the Bandits are exposed to the readers. The utterance implies that the
writer used language to carry out a specific action, namely information. This
means that speakers perform actions with their words. In the speech, keywords,
phrases, and idioms were used to reveal information with which the reader is
already familiar. They are known as "bandits," "Raid Kaduna LGs,
highway," "kill eight," "abduct 20 residents," and
"steal motorcycles." The utterance possesses the following linguistic
characteristics: Noun-bandits, the perpetrators of the action; they are often
males armed with firearms; and professional assassins. This depicts the type of
men who committed the crime. "Raid Kaduna LGs, highway" are the
precise locations of the incident. This was mentioned as a vivid illustration.
It also suggests that the reporter has all of the evidence to support his
allegation. "Eight" is a numerical adjective indicating the number of
abducted residents.
"Killed"- This is a performative verb that
describes what the Bandits did. The speakers use verbs in their utterances to
make the communication dynamic and intriguing. The speakers' purpose in each of
these truth expositions is to communicate, assert, or affirm the reality that
bandits raided, abducted, killed, and stole motorcycles. Overall, there is
evidence of using words to achieve a goal, as stated by Searle.
Datum 2: LocutionaryAct: The bandit gale attack in
The Guardian, 31 January 2022, p.2.
Illocutionary Force-Assert (state) the truth about the
bandit attack in Kaduna. Expected Perlocutionary Effect: The expected
perlocutionary effect is that the hearers of the above utterance experience
fear and worry. The audience may be convinced to be cautious in the condition.
The above phrase is employed to confirm the truth condition; it is thus an
assertive speech act. People are terrified and anxious after hearing this
remark since it is hard to predict when and where such an attack will occur
The writer uses language as a tool to accomplish the
activity of informing the reader of what the Bandits have done. This is an
example of using words to accomplish a task. The speaker uses the utterance to
inform. Linguistic features such as "the gale attack"-- are utilized
as a noun phrase in the utterance and refer to the wild onslaught.
"By bandits" denotes the perpetrators of the
gale attack, while "in Kaduna" denotes the location of the wild
Datum 3: Locutionary Act: Insecurity: 10,366 murdered by
2021, Buhari promises reform in the N'East. 3 February 2021, The Guardian
Illocutionary Force-Assert (state) the truth regarding
the number of individuals slain by bandits in the North East. Expected
Perlocutionary Effect: Given the number of individuals slain by bandits in
2021, the expected perlocutionary effect is that the hearers of the above
speech will experience fear and anxiety. The listeners may be persuaded to be
cautious as well. The utterance above is used to declare the truth condition;
it is thus an assertive speech act. The latter part of the statement, on the
other hand, is expressive (promising).
The writer uses language as a tool to accomplish the
action of informing the reader about what the Bandits have done to 10,366
persons in the North East. This is an example of using words to accomplish a
task. The speaker uses the utterance to inform. Linguistic features such as
"10,366"-this figure denotes the number of individuals slain and is a
noun. "Killed" is the verb that tells the reader what the bandits
did. "In 2021" denotes the year when 10,366 people were slain. The
report concluded with the president promising a change in the situation in the
North East.
Datum 4: Locutionary Act: After 93 people are killed by
bandits in Zamfara, the government calls for self-defence and suspends the
The Punch, 12 June 2021. P. 8
Assertive (Stating) the fact that the speakers used facts
to back what they claimed.
Expected Perlocutionary Effect: The bandits' actions
cause fear and anxiety among the residents of Zamfara. People were also
instructed to take steps to defend themselves.
The above speech is employed to determine the truth about
a banditry situation. As a result, it is a forceful speaking act. Anyone who
reads or hears the phrase understands that bandits are causing a nuisance. The
Bandits' actions are revealed to the readers. The utterance implies that the
writer employed language to perform a specific action, namely informing. Keywords,
phrases, and idioms were used in the utterance to expose information with which
the reader is already familiar. They are as follows: "bandits",
"kill", "93", and "in Zamfara". The following
linguistic qualities are inherent in the utterance:
Noun- "bandits" are the perpetrators of crime;
they are often males armed with firearms; professional killers also exist. This
depicts the type of men who committed the crime. The precise location of the
incidence was specified. It was mentioned as a vivid illustration. It also
suggests that the reporter has all of the evidence to support his allegation.
"Kill" is a performative verb that tells the
reader exactly what the Bandits did. The speakers use verbs in their remarks to
make the discourse lively and engaging. In each of these truth expositions, the
speakers' purpose is to communicate, assert, or affirm the reality that bandits
killed 93 people in Zamfara while the government commanded locals to defend
themselves. Overall, as established by Searle, there is evidence of using words
to accomplish things.
Datum 5: Locutionary Act: Hundreds of people are killed
by bandits in new attacks in Kaduna, Niger.
The Punch, June 12, 2021. P. 8
Assert (state) that the speakers used evidence to bolster
the idea that bandits killed dozens of people in Kaduna during a new operation.
The Expected Perlocutionary Effect: The criminals' acts
are bound to make people fearful and anxious. The utterance implies that the
writer used language to carry out a specific action, namely information. This
indicates that speakers do things with words.
Linguistic characteristics of the utterance include:
"In fresh attack" is a preamble that introduces
the actors and what the players (bandits) did.
Noun: "bandits"- these are the actors who
carried out the death of dozens of civilians in Kaduna State. These performers
are, of course, of the male gender, with no notable record of females in their
The verb "kill" refers to the deed carried out
by the actors or bandits on dozens of people, while the term "in
Kaduna" indicates the location of the incident, which explains the true
nature of the utterance and makes it vivid.
4.3.1 Table 1: Frequency Distribution of Speech Act Types
Speech Act Frequency Percentage
Assertive 12 75%
Directive 0 0%
Commissive 0 0%
Expressive 2 12.5%
Declarative 2 12.5%
Total 16 100%
Discussion of Findings
As previously indicated, the
current study's analytical instrument is the Speech Act theory, and the
researcher witnessed three of Searle's (1969) speech actions manifesting. The
analysis of the data revealed that all utterances had illocutionary activities.
This means that the remarks delivered by the different speakers served a range
of purposes. In terms of global macro-speech acts, the majority of the
headlines picked and studied in this data showed intimidating and scary
attempts made by government representatives and bandits' groups.
Furthermore, as seen in Figure
1, 75% of the news headlines were assertive, 0% were directive, 2% were
expressive, and 2% were declarative. Finally, the findings of the study
indicate that the majority of the headlines gathered, selected, and graded reflect
aggressive speaking behaviour.
Bandit language is effective
because it creates emotions in people, penetrates their thoughts, influences
their emotions, and appears to represent profound reality. She concludes that
"the language we use, and especially the speech acts we utter, are
completely dependent on the context of the situation in which such acts are
produced." The act of speaking by government officials and criminal
organizations, or simply the presenting of a newspaper story, is intended to
sway the thoughts of readers, listeners, or hearers in the desired direction.
Every speaker has a certain style in which they deliver a speech to persuade
the readers, listeners, or hearers. Through their illocutionary acts, the
speakers in the analysis were engaging enough to change the
readers'/listeners'/hearers' thinking, feelings, and behaviour. As a result, it
is stated that every communication is a social act, and every social act has
the potential to be persuasive. During banditry activities, speeches are given
to counsel, teach, or scold as needed, as well as to bring people together to
battle the banditry problem. In utterances, the audience is addressed. There is
evidence that reading statements on banditry conversations without the
participation of real-world consumers would be unpleasant. This implies that
the expected impact may not materialize. Similarly, an utterance can be
classified as multiple types of speaking acts.
The researcher also discovers
that three of Searle's five speech act classifications were effectively
reflected in the utterances during the analysis, indicating that they are
appropriate for banditry conversations. At the perlocutionary level, the utterance
has an impact or reaction on co-interlocutors. According to the research, the
utterances employed in the headlines are a medium of language used to depict
banditry issues. Logical remarks aiming at encouraging readers or listeners to
banditry have caused a great deal of harm to society as a whole. People's
hearts will be moved by the speaker's words and delivery style, inspiring them
to take positive action. Language, according to the study, is everything in our
daily lives. It is necessary for comprehending and interpreting discussions
because it produces results in all settings. The ability to correctly use
language can influence one's comprehension of a speech. Because language acts
as a conduit for civilizations to communicate, mastery of the media as a tool
becomes crucial.
After thoroughly examining the
data in this work, the researcher finds that speech act analysis leads to the
finding of messages, themes, and lessons hidden beneath banditry headlines.
This study examines the analysis of banditry headlines using a speech act
analysis. It is vital to show that this speech act theory gives proper tools
for deciding how banditry headlines should be published or written to have a
positive influence on readers/listeners. This was accomplished not just by
assessing how each headline corresponded to each of the classifications, but
also by calculating how motivating the phrase might be. Speeches allow us to
interact with our country's leaders, listen to what they have to say, and then
act on it. Speeches increase audience morale by displaying the speaker's best
and worst qualities, which can have an impact on banditry, business, politics,
world events, and other industries. Speakers choose and arrange words and
sentences in speeches to achieve a certain aim and desired effect on the reader
or listener. This is because informed citizens set the groundwork for good
administration. Insurgents benefit from knowledgeable civilians, yet uneducated
individuals pose a threat.
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