

God Bless My Wife

I was about to sign a contract with a company when my wife called:

WIFE:- Wooooooow! Darling, I have a very big surprise for you, I can't believe this.

ME: - Okay, please I will call you back, I'm about to receive a contract of N30 million.

WIFE: - Darling, that is good news but this one is very urgent please come home now, please it's VERY URGENT.

ME:- But I'm about to...


ME:- Em.. please my wife just called me for an urgent thing. Please grant me permission to go and come back quick.

Company:- Well, if you leave, I'm afraid we may have to cancel the contract.

I weighed the options and decided that my home is more important than any contract.

So after a few minutes, I rushed home.

ME: - (Seriously sweating) Honey why this urgent surprise, when I was about to sign a contract worth N30 million?

WIFE:- Honey, our troubles are over and God has finally answered our prayers.

ME:- Are you pregnant again?

WIFE: - Haba honey, I'm pregnant already na, this is more than pregnancy, if it's just pregnancy I wouldn't have stopped you from signing your contract.

ME: - Wow, so what's the surprise?

WIFE: - (Being happy) Honey, I can't believe this, you know we have been praying for over 6 months now? God has finally answered us.

That Big rat that always disturbed us in the kitchen is finally dead, I called you to come and remove it. You know I hate touching rats. 🐀 

What will you do if you are the husband?

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