

Selected Rhetoric from of the Sheikh Abdulkarim Yahaya; Presentation and Analysis

Cite this article as: Bakura, M.M. & Bashir, A.U. (2023). صور من الخصائص الفنية في خطب الشيخ عبدالكريم يحيى دراسة أدبية. Tasambo Journal of Language, Literature, and Culture, (2)2, 257-269. www.doi.org/10.36349/tjllc.2023.v02i02.031.

Dr Muniru Muhammad Bakura

Department of Arabic Language, Federal University Gusau

 Email: mmbakura@fugusau.edu.ng


Dr Abdulkafi Usman Bashir

Muhammad Goni College of legal and Islamic studies



This paper is titled “Selected Rhetoric from of the Sheikh Abdulkarim Yahaya; Presentation and Analysis.” It is a study of the art of rhetoric, which is a style of artistic prose that depends on the audience’s attention. It aims at persuading and influencing the mind of the listeners. The Arabs have found in it (rhetoric), the best way to incite fighting and arouse enthusiasm. With it, the Arabs proud in their scenes, (with it) theء caliphs and emirs spoke on their pulpits, (with it) speech is distinguished, it is the one by which the generality of the public and privates are addressed. Since Islam was an intellectual, social, political, and economic revolution, it must have an impact on rhetoric. So rhetoric flourished in this era (i.e. present era) because Islam needed it as an important and powerful tool.

DOI:  www.doi.org/10.36349/tjllc.2023.v02i02.031

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