When I was fasting and sleeping in the masjid, I woke up to find I had a nocturnal emission. Does this sexual dream affect my fast? Bearing in mind I prayed even though I did not have a ritual bath (ghusl).
Nocturnal emissions (wet dreams) do not invalidate nor affect one's fast because their occurrence is out of the individual's control. However, he must have ghusl (before he prays).
This is because the Prophet (ﷺ) was asked regarding this and he said that it is upon the individual who had the dream to take the bath if he finds fluid (as evidence of ejaculation).
He (ﷺ) said: “Bathing is obligatory when there is seminal emission”
(Muslim, 343, reported by Abī Sa'ēd al-Khudrī)
Also, his statement (ﷺ) to Umm Sulaim (رضي الله عنها), when she asked him (ﷺ) about nocturnal emissions and whether it warranted ghusl or not. He (ﷺ) responded and said: “Yes (bathe), if you see discharge.”
(Al-Bukhārī, 282; Muslim, 313)
Whoever prays intentionally whilst in the state of major ritual impurity (junub), has committed a major error and a great wrong. The one that does this has to repeat his prayer after making ghusl, and repent to Allaah (ﷻ).
Likewise, if his state of being junub came about during the night or he had nocturnal emission after Fajr and delayed making ghusl until the ẓuhr (noon) prayer, there is no problem with this.
If he had sexual intercourse with his wife in the middle of the night but did not make ghusl until after Fajr, there is no problem with that.
It has been reported about the Prophet (ﷺ) that he: “…Used to wake up in junub after having relations, then he would make ghusl and fast.”
(Agreed upon: Al-Bukhārī, 1930; Muslim, 1109; reported by 'Ā'isha)
Similar to this is the state of the menstruating and postpartum woman. If their period finished in the middle of the night and they had not made ghusl before dawn, then there is no issue with that. Their fast is valid.
However, it is impermissible for them to delay the bath until after the sun has risen. They must hasten to bathe before that time so they pray the Fajr prayer in its prescribed time. Likewise, males must bathe early so they can pray in congregation.
The menstruating and postpartum women should give themselves enough time to pray their Maghrib and 'Isha prayers (for that night) as its obligation applies to them once they finish their period or cycle in the middle of the night.
This was a ruling given by a group of the companions of the Prophet (ﷺ). Similarly, if their cycle ended at 'Aṣr time, they should hasten to bathe so they can pray the Ẓuhr and 'Aṣr prayers for that day before sunset.
And Allaah (ﷻ) is the one that aids and guides.
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