

The Husband Or The Wife?

 *Who Will Not Have A Nice Sleep?*


*Husband Or Wife*

*Wife:* You smell like woman's perfume. Where did you get it?

*Husband:* From the woman I was squeezed with in a taxi.

*Wife:* What about the lipstick on your mouth? 

*Husband:* Oh that one? I got it from Sandra who I was congratulating for passing her exams. 

*Wife:* What about the used condoms in your pocket? 

*Husband:* Hey leave me alone don't ask silly questions. I want to sleep!!

*Wife:* (crying) This is not fair because when I use them I don't bring them home. It doesn't show respect.

*Husband:* (Waking up angrily). What did you say? 

*Wife:* Leave me alone I want to sleep.

 *Who will not sleep, Husband or Wife?*

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