Na only for Naija e de happen o.....
Na only for Naija you go see fish inside "MEAT PIE"..
Na only for Naija we dey count money after we withdraw am from ATM because we no even trust ATM machines.
Na only for Naija PHCN dey say:-Win a brand new GENERATOR if you pay your NEPA bill...
Na only for Naija people dey horn for traffic light make e quick change from Red to Green...
Na only for Naija Pharmacy dey sell Coke, Recharge Card, Chin chin, Puff puff and beer.
Na only for naija you go see one person dey use Bold5, X3, Ipad2 and Nokia N8 all at once while his mother dey sell groundnut for Junction.
Na only for Naija, you go see mad man dey control traffic, people wey get sense dey obey.
Na only for Naija, you go see native doctor dey use laptop connected with MTN modem. Maybe they are now consulting the spirits online..
Na only for naija u go see a man selling a book from street to street that says HOW TO MAKE MONEY WITHOUT STRESS. I wonder why him no read d book.
I salute Nigerians......
Just laugh out DAT stress jhor.
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