Badamasi Tsaure
This write-up attempts to cast a glance at the meaning of listening on one hand and the skills on the other, thereby, linking the together. The paper also establishes a vivid frame work on the issues related to; categories of listening skills, types of listening, strategies of listening, tips for effective listening skills and more importantly, methods/approach through which listening skills should be taught at secondary school level have also been discussed.
very recently have shown that students in secondary schools spend more time
listening each day in the class than doing anything. One of these researches give
the following figures; 45% of their time is used for listening, 30% speaking,
16% reading and 9% writing. This is to show the degree of importance students
attached to listening and how significant teaching its effective skills would
be to them.
Listening is such an important
language skill that students really need to do well. No meaningful verbal
discourse can take place between two persons if one does not listen well to the
other. Listening is indeed at the heart of language acquisition and language
learning (Asabe, 2013). It also differs from hearing because a listener must be
actively engaged in the activity in order for him/her to comprehend what has
been said.
What is Listening?
is the ability to understand the spoken language without difficulty, which
satisfies the requirement for national and international intelligibility
(oderinde, 1979). It is also defined as “trying to understand the oral messages
people are conveying. It involves following attentively the trend of a
conversation and requires comprehension. Listening involves critical
examination of what is heard. It is also a selective process by which sounds
communicated by some source are received, critically interpreted, and acted
upon by purposeful listener (Aliu, 2003).
Skills on the other hand is the
talent or ability that comes from training or practice. It is the ability and
capacity acquired through deliberate, systematic and sustained effort to
smoothly and adaptively carryout complex activities or job function involving
ideas, things and/or people.
Listening Skills
Listening skill is a teaching
technique used for understanding what is being said by taking into account how
something is being said through the use of training or practice that has been
given to the listener. Listening skills involves effective training given to
the students on how and when to listen.
According to Banjo (1997), listening
skills fall into two broad categories:
Those concerned with the accurate
perception of sound symbols as when discriminating new sounds found in English.
Those concerned with the interpretation of
and reaction to what has been heard.
Tips for Effective Listening Skills
1- Have
eye contact with the speaker
2- Sit
straight and adapt a posture to tell the speaker that you are listening.
3- Show
some gestures which represent attentive learning, for example nodding of the
4- Wait
for the speaker to complete his speech and then your views; don’t interrupt.
5- Do
not give your views unless you are told to do so.
Strategies for Developing Listening
learning depends on listening, this is because it provides an input which serve
as the basis for language acquisition and enable learner to interact in spoken
communication. The strategies are as follows:
1- Listening
for main idea
2- Listening
for prediction
3- Listening
for summarizing the main idea
Methods for Teaching Listening Skills
In teaching listening skills,
Audio-lingual method should be used, this is because according to Rivers
(1968), and Williams (1990), is an approach in language teaching that aims at
developing listening and speaking skills. Students may either be taking to the
language laboratory where students learnt the skills or effective listening
through audio-segment of radio programs, online podcast, instructional lectures
and other audio messages or in the class repeating/practicing oral drills
(Yule, 1996).
In the language laboratory students
are asked to listen to the sound being played either through radio or video and
then the teacher instruct them (the students) to repeat the exercise on their
own. Firstly, instruct the students to prepare for listening by considering
anything that they will want to learn from the content of the audio or video
segment, allowing the students to take notes. If helpful (Switzer, 2016). Then
the teacher repeats the activity but instruct the students not to take note
until the completion of the program.
However, in the class i.e. where
language laboratories is unavailable as in the case of so many Nigerian
secondary schools. The teacher engages the students in interpersonal activities
or group activities. In interpersonal actives, a small group of two or three
students would be assigned to listen to a particular activity (such as news in
BBC or any recorded programme) and asked the students to imitate or answer some
oral questions.
To sumps it up, teaching listening
skills at secondary school involves two major activities. One, in the language
laboratory where students listen to some audio-visual progeamme based on the
particular lesson intended for them by the teacher. Two engaging in the
oral-drill practice in the class room; where teacher sample out some words or
passage; read to the students and ask the students to read, pronounce after,
until the satisfaction is reached.
Yule, G. (1996) The Study of Language`.
Cambridge Press.
Ubahakwe, E. (1979). The Teaching of
English Studies. Ibadan. Ibadan University Press.
N.T.A. (2000). NCE/DLS Course Book on
English Language Cycle 1. Kaduna Author.
Mike, A. (2013). Nuggets of Linguistics
and Literary Studies Vol. II. Kano: Tunlad Prints.
Banjo, A. (1996). Language Studies.
Ibadan. Ibadan University Press.
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