Field Experience: Notes on Participant Observation in Qualitative Research on Girl-Child Street Hawkers in Yobe State

    Cite this article: Ningi, A. I. (2021). “Field Experience: Notes on Participant Observation in Qualitative Research on Girl-Child Street Hawkers in Yobe State”.  Sokoto Journal of History Vol. 10. Pp. 19-26.


    Aisha Ibrahim Ningi

    Department of History,
    Yobe State University Damaturu


    The paper gives an account
    of the author‟s field experiences with emphasis on participant observation as one of the qualitative data
    collection techniques. This technique has been used in a variety of disciplines as a tool for collecting data about people,
    processes, and cultures
    in qualitative inquiry. The qualitative inquiry is adopted because the
    objective is not to make a generalisation, but to explore the research
    problem with a view to establishing a detailed meaning
    of the central phenomenon from the informants‟ actions through
    observations. This observational technique
    would enlighten the readers about the context in which informants used the
    meaning that their actions hold in
    their lives. Being the technical tool, the extended observation while in the
    field lasted for a whole period of
    six (6) months precisely from February to August, 2015. Thus, being an “insider”, the author got continuously
    engaged observing activities of interest and daily recording of field notes in various
    forms in order to present
    the world of the host population in human contexts.

    Keywords: Qualitative, Ethnography, Fieldwork, Participant Observation, Research


    The main focal
    points for this study include the outcome of the fieldwork undertaken during a
    study on the girl-child street
    hawkers in Yobe State. From the beginning, a qualitative approach was adopted as part of the process of
    qualitative inquiry. The justification for the adoption of qualitative approach has to do with the fact that the
    objective was not to make a generalisation, but to explore the research problem
    with a view to establishing a detailed meaning
    of the central phenomenon from the informants‘ viewpoints.
    Consequently, the author (hence researcher) dove deep and relied on a wide range of sources of data which
    helped to produce an in-depth, and holistic portrait of the people being studied. In this regard,
    Krauss (2005) defined qualitative inquiry as one of the range of approaches through the exploration of both behaviours and human experience. Thus, the submissions made by Krauss show how using
    a qualitative approach seeks to inquire and explore what others do and

    In the same
    vein, the method adopted for the study was ethnography where a considerable
    period of six months was spent in the
    field. Thus, the concept of ethnography is defined as ‗a written description of a particular culture - the customs, beliefs,
    and behaviour based on information collected through fieldwork‘ (Harris, 2001:p.22). He added that
    fieldwork is an essential attribute of ethnography
    and the process enables the researcher to generate reliable and sufficient data
    for an extended period of six to twelve months. In another development, Fine (2003) uses 
    the term

    ―peopled ethnography‖ to describe
    text that provides an understanding of the setting,
    that describes theoretical implications through the
    use of pictures and other images, based on field notes from observations, interviews, and products
    of the group members. He further puts forward that ethnography
    is most effective when one observes the group being studied in settings that
    enable him or her to explore the
    planned or organized routines of behaviour. Accordingly, the participant observation is the beginning step in
    ethnographic studies. In this way the
    researcher not only becomes familiar
    with the spatial dimensions of the research setting and its socio-cultural
    dynamics, but also how
    those dynamics may change at certain times of the day, week or year (Fine,

    Description of Study

    Yobe State has
    a multicultural inhabitant with an amusing, diverse historical and cultural
    heritage. Agriculture is the mainstay
    of the economy involving at least ninety percent (90%) of the rural population. Most at times the girl-child
    are the once used for the sale most of the proceeds of their parents. In the area of education, the
    state remains one of the educationally disadvantaged states in the federation. The study sites included
    Damaturu, Potiskum, and Bade Local Government Areas respectively.

    The selection
    criterion for Damaturu L.G.A. was informed by the fact that it is the state
    capital which also has the largest
    number of street hawkers and with less number of girls in schools (YBS, 2014).
    The main site selected was the market
    and bus terminal
    in the metropolis. In Potiskum

    L.G.A. a busy
    site in the heart of the city with major intersections was chosen. The site was
    chosen not only by its heterogeneous
    nature, but because of its strategic location and being the economic nerve centre of the state. In Bade L.G.A.
    the main market famous for its fish sales was chosen as well as its location deep into the hinterland with a large
    conglomeration of people from various ethnic
    groups. Therefore, the target informants for this research were drawn from this
    L.G.As with each representing the three senatorial districts of the state. In all, study sites enclosed
    major intersections, streets,
    and markets in an attempt
    to better capture
    the street hawking
    dynamics of girls
    a practice commended
    when undertaking qualitative approach (Merriam, 2014; Creswell, 2013).

    Identification of Target Informants and Sampling

    The primary
    aim has been the researcher‘s concentrations on a group of key informants with common cultural features.
    As what matters in qualitative approach is not the size or making
    generalizations, but rather the ability to understand how complex social
    phenomena are occurring or have
    occurred in a particular social setting (Madison, 2005; Creswell, 2013).
    Instead, emphasis is being placed on
    key informants with deep knowledge on the issue being studied to ensure
    credibility and efficient research.
    The research had put into considerations about where, when, who, what and how the observation data would be
    collected. Earlier, a familiarization study was first conducted to clarify issues such as the location of the
    street hawkers, and time of the day suitable for the observation.

    Based on the
    results of the familiarization study, and the recommendations of the
    gatekeepers, key informants were selected in each of the three areas with a maximum
    concentration of street hawkers.
    So, the research focused on school-age girls between the ages of nine to
    fifteen years who got themselves
    hawking on the streets due to the deep-rooted societal recognition of
    socio-cultural values. The researcher
    is interested in the meaning of such value elements, as behaviour, and the interaction of the members
    of the selected group. The researcher adopted
    the purposive sampling strategy
    because of the deliberate choice of the informants as well as the qualities the
    informants possess.

    Table 0-1 Informants Selection


    Key Informants

    No. of Informants




    Purposive Sampling

    Girl Hawkers


    Purposive Sampling

    Traditional rulers


    Purposive Sampling



    Purposive Sampling




    In all,
    seventeen (17) informants were purposely selected. However, the focus here is
    only on the street hawkers. Also, the
    three (3) traditional rulers selected from each of the three (3) L.G.As served
    as the gatekeepers. As the traditional rulers, they are the custodians of
    tradition and closer to the people at the grassroots who
    helped and:

    Provided entrance to the

    Helped the researcher and located the people
    that were initially interviewed, and

    Assisted in the identification of places of study.

    The Significance of the

    While in the
    field, the goal is to see people‘s behaviour on their terms in which the
    research team discovers otherwise
    elusive trends that would inform readers and stakeholders‘ future strategies. Moreover,
    the participant observation technique has been described as the primary
    method used by a
    researcher while doing fieldwork. Accordingly, as Harris (2001) puts it, fieldwork
    is a form of inquiry that requires a
    researcher to be immersed personally in the ongoing social activities of any individual or group carrying out the
    research through a blend of historical, observational, and interview
    techniques. In this study, therefore,
    observation technique involved in turn produced a data such
    as descriptions, resulting in one product: narrative description (Weisner, 1996).

    While in the
    field, Wolcott (2001) suggests that fieldworker(s) ask themselves if they are
    making good use of the opportunity to learn what it is they want to know. He further
    advises that fieldworkers ask themselves if what they
    want to learn makes the best use of the opportunity accessible. In this paper, the notes on the observation to be
    provided focused on the street-hawkers who
    have no access to any of the available systems of education. These key
    informants were carefully chosen and
    provided with a comprehensive and in-depth understanding towards girl-child street-hawking instead of education in
    Yobe State, Nigeria. Nonetheless, after selecting the research sites, the research team visited the
    community leaders and established good rapport with the local participants and the community people. The
    initial visit effectively facilitated the progress of the fieldwork (Merriam, 2014). The researcher
    observed and participated in studying the informants‘ daily activities in
    varying degrees.

    In this case
    therefore, participant observation was used as one of the techniques for data
    collection. This particular technique is unique because the informants were approached in their own locations rather than them coming to meet the research
    team (Yin, 2009). Similarly, Schensul,
    et al (1999) all agreed
    and lists the following
    for using participant observation in research:

    1.       To discover and guide
    relationships with informants;

    2.       To assist the researcher get the outlooks
    for how things are prioritized and organized, what are the cultural parameters and how people interrelate;

    3.       To show the researcher what the cultural
    members deem to be important in social interaction, behaviours or manners, and taboos;

    4.       To help the researcher
    become known to the cultural
    members, thereby easing facilitation of the research
    process; and

    5.       To provide the researcher with a
    source of questions to be addressed by the informant.

    Therefore, it
    is important to report that participant observation involves active observing,
    improving memory, writing
    detailed field notes, informal interviewing, and perhaps most importantly, exercising some patience. This technique
    enabled the researcher to learn about the daily routine or activities of the people under
    consideration in the natural setting through observing those activities. It provides the framework for development
    of sampling strategies and interview guides. This goes with Kawulich (2005) views that defined
    participant observation as a method in ethnographic research through learning and exposure to
    or involvement in the day-to-day or routine activities of participants within a shared cultural
    setting. Hence, with the adoption of this method, the researcher relies heavily on up-close, personal
    experience and possible participation, not just observation in order to
    show the reality and the specific
    character of the informants.

    Undoubtedly, through
    observation the researcher grasps, cached, heard, and at the same time comprehends the informants‘ actions and
    viewpoints regarding their socio-cultural values. Indeed, meaning has been the essential concern of
    the author which was an integral part of the whole process. Yet, whatsoever the meanings and importance resulting
    from the information received during the
    observation in particular and the whole data collection process in general,
    there must never be an
    attempt to influence the informants.

    Likewise, it
    is worth noting to understand that the most important factor in determining
    what a researcher should observe is
    the researcher‘s purpose for conducting the study in the first place (Merriam, 1998). The preceding point of
    views shows where to begin looking depends on the research question, but where to focus or stop cannot be
    determined ahead of time. To help any researcher
    know what to observe, Denzin and Lincoln, (2005); Musante and DeWalt (2002) all suggested that he or she study what is
    happening and why; sort out the regular from the irregular activities; look for discrepancy to view the event in its entirety
    from a variety of viewpoints; look for the negative cases or exceptions; and, when behaviours exemplify the theoretical purposes for the observation, seek similar
    opportunities for observation and plan systematic observations of those events or behaviours. However, such
    events may change over time, with the season, for example, so persistent observation of activities
    that one has already observed may be necessary.

    Notes on the Informants in Consideration

    It is worthy
    of note to reiterate that the participant observation gives a distinctive
    insight to gain awareness, revealing
    what people are really doing, instead of what they say. Consequently, this observation differs from the interviews
    because it enabled the research team to obtain a first-hand account
    of the phenomenon of interest
    rather than relying
    on someone else‘s interpretation

    (Marshall and Rossman, 2014). For example,
    specific things observed
    by the research team include
    the following:

    1.      The girls hawking dynamics
    at home, on the streets,
    markets, and those along major

    2.      What they sell, how they
    dress, and their behaviours
    while outside their homes.

    3.      The parents‘ role in positioning
    the girl‘s role within the family structure.

    4.      The general roles of
    both males and females.

    5.      Decision making within the family, which shows who are involved and who are not,
    who go to school and who do

    In giving out
    the notes on participant observation, it is important to say that the
    researcher observed the behaviour
    pattern of the girls on the streets, their relationships with customers and
    their attitudes towards one
    another. Also observed were the local settlement pattern, house structure, and
    the parents. Afterwards, the
    observations specifically took place in the locations believed to have some relevance to the research questions
    (Musante and DeWalt, 2002; Merriam, 2014). In addition, the researcher has particularly noted how the
    street hawkers used mornings, and evenings to carry out the bulk of their hawking activities, leaving afternoons more
    flexible and therefore with potential for socializing.
    As such, the research team uses afternoon for reflections notes taken while
    conducting the observations. The
    ideas behind the choice are to make sense of such data soon after it has been gathered
    and collected.

    Notes on the General
    Descriptions of the Street Hawkers

    Again, as part
    of the participant observation, the distinct cultural appearance and identity
    of the girls in preparation to the
    major intersections and markets has been detected. In all the study areas, observation revealed that the girls‘
    cultures of wearing unique dressing, including their hairstyles as well as their face make-ups
    etc. are art forms with practical meanings.
    These are body beautifications for the enhancement of their beauty
    while on the streets at all times
    (Berthelot, 1991).
    Routinely, the researcher noticed how an eyeliner and lipstick blackened their
    lips, and they have pinch of nose
    rings. They also have their hair plaited with age-grade hair braids and some mixture of yellow, white and red glue made
    from pliable stones that are often spread all over their faces (Usman, 2010, Atkinson, 2003b; de St Croix, 1972). The
    general descriptions of the street hawkers‘
    appearance in such local dresses and age-grade hair braids indicate that most
    of them had to do it in order to compete with
    their peer groups while on the

    In the course
    of the participant observations, the researcher further identified with whom
    the street hawkers mingle with, which
    is very essential as it affects their general security. In particular, the researcher uncovered the unruly adoption
    of unmannerly behaviour often displayed by some of the street hawkers. However,
    it has been observed that such behaviour
    is being displayed
    whenever their cheeks or
    shoulders are pressed by male ‗customers‘ and they appeared to be impolite.
    Thus, the researcher shared the
    opinion of Usman (2010) who reported that this kind of behaviour is not only very disturbing to their parents, but
    also disturbing to every other well-meaning community member who deems such undesirable to their culture and religion.
    The religion of Islam clearly abhors
    this negative conducts of girl-child involvement in street hawking in order to
    augment the family income. In this
    regard, Almighty Allah in a glorious verse in the Qur‘an in the clearest expression possible commands that the
    father shall bear the cost of their feeding and clothing on equitable
    terms…‘ (Qur‘an 2:233). Also observed
    was how such bad conducts
    generate concern to the religious
    leaders of their communities during the course of the interviews. So, some of
    the parents especially mothers who
    had previously witnessed such utterances often condemned it and kept reprimanding the girls. Such mothers saw it as a duty to constantly remind their daughters about  their
     ―expected  moral
     behaviour  and  conduct
     private  or  in  public.
     Besides,  the researcher noticed that some
    mothers become emotional while they talked about the issues of molestation of their daughters by some unscrupulous customers.

    Again, observations
    at most of the major intersections revealed that there was a tendency for men and other customers to be brazen in being
    hostile towards the street hawkers who did not appear in the Hijab (the usual
    attire worn by most Muslim ladies inYobe State). It is worth mentioning here that, the researcher only tried to
    understand the overall setting and ultimately helped others gain a better understanding about how the participants involved
    were seen in that specific
    situation (Mahdi, 2010).The
    whole process paved the way for the researcher to involve in interpretive, descriptive, and naturalistic undertakings
    of the world of the targeted informants (Lincoln and Denzin, 2005). This further buttressed the fact that people were
    been studied within their natural settings
    while struggling to make sense of the phenomenon and the meaning they attached
    to their actions and values (Lillis, 2008).

    Discussion on Participant Observation Technique

    While there is no one way that is best for conducting research
    using participant observation, the most effective
    work is done by the researcher who viewed the informants as collaborators; to
    do otherwise, would have turned to
    waste of time and human resources. As Schensul et al (1999) emphasised, the relationship between the
    researcher and informants as collaborative researchers who, through building
    solid relationships, improve
    the research process
    and improve the skills of the researcher in conducting the research.

    Therefore, conducting any kind of observations involves
    a variety of activities and considerations for the researcher, which include ethics,
    establishing rapport, selecting
    key informants, the processes
    for conducting observations, deciding what and when to observe, keeping field
    notes, and writing up one‘s findings.
    By so doing, people's behaviour
    would be resourcefully studied in everyday contexts, rather than under experimental conditions created by the researcher. Consequently, the technique provided the researcher with
    in-depth information mainly generated from
    the few key informants, as it helped in spending considerable time in the
    field. In addition, a primary
    consideration in any research study is to conduct the research in an ethical
    manner, letting the community know
    that one‘s purpose for observing is to document their activities. Fine (2003) advises that for ethical reasons, some of
    the field notes be made publicly to strengthen what the researcher is doing in
    collecting data for research


    It is important
    to sum up that both the fieldwork and observations over a period of time are
    the cornerstones of ethnographic
    method in which the researcher has drawn from a broad array of research strategies. In the same way, the
    researcher uses multiple strategies for recording the data, including
    audio recording, photography and, especially, copious
    field notes. The researcher combines data gathered via these
    techniques with direct observation, to create a kind of person-in- environment representation of the subjects (Longhofer and Suskewicz, 2014).

    observation technique has been useful to the researcher in a variety of ways.
    It provides the researcher with ways
    to determine who interacts with whom, to check for nonverbal expression of feelings,
    grasp how participants communicate with each other, and check for how much time is spent on various hawking
    activities. Participant observation allows the researcher to check definitions of terms that
    participants use in interviews,
    observe events that informants may
    be unable or unwilling to share when
    doing so would be impolite, impolitic, or insensitive, and observe situations informants have described in
    interviews, thereby making them aware of inaccuracies or distortions in the description
    provided by those informants (Marshall and Rossman, 2014).

    some scholars
    Musante, Dewalt and Dewalt (2002) believed that ―the goal for the design of research using participant observation
    as a technique is to develop a holistic understanding of the phenomena under study that is as objective
    and accurate as possible given the limitations of the technique. One must also, consider the types of questions
    guiding the study, when designing a research
    study and determining whether to use observation as a data collection method.
    Equally important is that the site
    under study must be taken into account, what opportunities are available at the site for observation, the
    representativeness of the participants of the population in that site, and the strategies
    to be used to record and analyse the data.



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