

How To Pass KYC On Pi Network

Those who filled out the KYC application correctly are typically notified of passing KYC in as little as 15 minutes as KYC applications are now typically reviewed by the AI immediately. If you have errors yin your application you won’t be notified until you are invited to resubmit your KYC application, no timeframe has been announced for resubmit invitations. So me of the reasons for not passing KYC are listed. 
1. The name on their Pi Account is not an EXACT match to their ID including their middle name. 
2. The ID is not approved for KYC. 
3. The ID presented does not match the ID selected. 
4. The photo of the ID is not clear and is unable to be reviewed. 
5. The photo on the ID is obviously not the person in the live video. 
6. More than one person is in the live video.

Note: This information is copied directly from Pi Network General Chat Group.

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Pi Network KYC

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