

Communiqué of an International Symposium on "International Hausa Day" (2024)

Ranar Hausa Ta Duniya (2024) (International Hausa Day 2024)

Communiqué of an International Symposium on "International Hausa Day" (2024)

Organized by the Department of Languages and Cultures, Federal University Gusau, Zamfara State, Nigeria on 26th August, 2024

       Key Recommendations:

  1. Opportunities for Hausa Graduates in China: Participants highlighted the growing opportunities for Hausa graduates seeking jobs in China. They are encouraged to research universities offering Hausa programs and stay updated on job opportunities in the country
  2. Preservation of Hausa Culture: Parents and students are urged to prioritize the preservation of Hausa culture. This includes maintaining traditional dress, food, and moral values as passed down by ancestors.
  3. Freelancing Opportunities for Hausa Graduates: The 21st century offers numerous freelancing opportunities for Hausa graduates, particularly in translation and language services. Proficiency in technology and digital literacy is essential for success in these fields.
  4. Reviving Hausa in Secondary Schools: Stakeholders should encourage their members in the House of Representatives and Senate to introduce motions for the reinstatement of Nigerian languages as a compulsory subject in both junior and senior secondary schools. The recent curriculum changes have negatively impacted the study of Hausa and other Nigerian languages.
  1. Hausa in Northern Nigerian Universities: Hausa should be included as a core subject in General Studies programs at Northern Nigerian universities to promote its study and usage.
  2. Hausa Education in Private Schools: Private schools, especially at the primary and secondary levels, are encouraged to incorporate Hausa into their curricula.
  3. Unified International Hausa Association: The establishment of a unified International Hausa Association is proposed. This association would bring together teachers from various levels of education, media professionals, traditional leaders, and other stakeholders to promote the Hausa language and culture.
  4. Hausa and Security: The use of Hausa can play a crucial role in addressing security challenges in Nigeria. Government agencies should explore ways to leverage the Hausa language in their security operations.
  5. Translation and Technology: The translation of scientific terms and concepts into Hausa should be accelerated and made accessible online. Resources like "Garkuwar Hausa Da Tafarkin Ci Gaba" by Professor Muhammad Hambali Jinju and translations from the Center Research in Nigerian Languages, Translation and Folklore, BUK and other Hausa research centres should be widely disseminated.
  6. Digital Presence of Hausa: Efforts should be made to increase the visibility of Hausa language online through websites, social media platforms, and digital content creation.
  7. Language Preservation at Home: Parents are urged to speak Hausa with their children to foster language acquisition and preservation.
  8. Bridging the Digital Divide: Addressing the lack of technological knowledge among Hausa speakers is crucial for accessing online freelancing opportunities. Initiatives should be implemented to improve digital literacy.

13.  Call for Scholarly Engagement: Hausa scholars are encouraged to commemorate International Hausa Day on August 26 by convening conferences, symposia, and workshops to contribute to the global discourse on Hausa language and culture. Hausa researchers with digital literacy are particularly urged to play an active role in making these initiatives a reality.

14.  Animating Hausa Culture and Language Education for Young People: To enhance Hausa language and culture education among young people, it is proposed that educational resources be animated. Existing animations, comics, and cartoons often fail to adequately showcase the richness of Hausa culture. Therefore, Hausa scholars are encouraged to embrace this innovative approach by creating animations based on Hausa culture. This will cater to the digital preferences of younger generations and ensure the preservation and promotion of our heritage

By diligently implementing these recommendations, the participants of the International Symposium on "International Hausa Day" are confident that the Hausa language can flourish in the global landscape and significantly contribute to Nigeria's cultural and economic development.

Muhammad Arabi Umar

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  1. Hausa Language can florish in the world by our contributions we Hausa students. May almighty Allah give us opportunity to do so, amin


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