

An Online Disputation Between Mr Victor and Usmannoor

18 February, 2021 [7 Rajab, 1442] {Duration: 10:36pm to 4:19am}

Sequel to the recent WRITE UP titled "MUSICIANS ARE SOLDIERS OF SHAITAN", the media platform has ludicrously become flabbergasted particularly to whom the Write Up might concerned, one among them is Mr Victor and here is the disputation between him and UsmannorTheWriter

Mr Victor: Oh wow I thought Allah loves music

✒️Usmannoor: No! He don't. My reason is in Suratul Luqman Chapter 31 verse 6-7 when Allah (our creator) said: "And of the people are those who buy amusement of speech to mislead [others] from the way of Allah without knowledge and take it in redicule. Those will have a humiliating punishment". "And when our verses are recited to them they turn away from arrogantly as if they had not heard them, as if there was in their ears deafness, so warn them of the painful punishment" (Q 31:6-7)

what's your reason?

Mr Victor: Because he loves praises. Praises are made in form of music

✒️This is obviously according to your own opinion but can you tell me your reason from THE BIBLE just like the way I gave you mine from THE HOLY QUR'AN ?

Mr Victor: I’m not much of a bible schooler. I’m a freethinker

Ok, let me ask you some questions according to the faculty of your thinking

I’m all ears

✒️A learned person; a bookman, a specialist in a particular branch of knowledge is known as

a) a scholar

b) a schoolar

As a freethinker, which one is the correct answer, a or b ?

✒️40minutes, you failed to answer my question, I know the reason, which is you hate to accept correction, you mistakenly wrote SCHOOLAR instead of SCHOLAR, you didn't think while writing it meanwhile you are not a FREE THINKER

I decided to let it slide when I noticed you were trying to be a lecturer

But I’m responding now because of this... and I don’t hate to accept correction brov. True I made a mistake and I’m only just realizing it now but I know my message was passed in that sentence and you understand what I meant. English is just another language not a measure of intelligence my brother

✒️You are now deviating from the topic of the discussion. How on earth can a FREETHINKER made a mistake, what I mean is that: you are not supposed to call yourself with such name because you are created with the ability to make a mistake hence the existence of repentance, just avoid listening music and repent

Let’s not argue. And i’ve not deviated. Freethinking seems to mean a different thing to you. If you are here to talk about salvation and repentance just forget it.

No, I am just trying to tell you the truth

Lol this is just like the case of the figure “9” from opposite direction it can be seen as “6”

The same difference between Qur'an and The Bible. There is no alteration in the Holy Qur'an but alot of contradiction in the Bible, why ?

I’m quite aware of this alterations with no doubts. When I said I was a freethinker I meant I’m a man that questions he’s been thought. And I’d like to let you know that I don’t live my life by the doctrine of any book but by my heart

I’m already living by the grace of God and I know he obviously loves Music. If your doctrine say he doesn’t that’s fine. But mine says it does

reason in the bible plz

Lemme look for a reference. Calm brb

Speaking to one another with psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit. Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord (Ephesians 5:19).

Sing to the Lord with grateful praise; make music to our God on the harp” (Psalm 147:7). In the book of Psalm there are verses containing hymns of praise and worship. The world today as we know it is full of sin and the worldly music is not the same as the music of God. But you don’t have to take my word for it or even the scriptures... you can follow your religion or your heart it’s all about what works for you

If I dig dipper I can go on and on

lets go plz

okay, now which one is the music of God ?

I already mentioned it... it’s called praise and worship

The one performed in Church with musical instruments ?

Yes and even recorded in studios it’s called Gospel music. You can look it up

The musical instruments is the key to the problem of nowadays and they are of no difference with the worldly music

It seems like you don't understand my WRITE UP

My conscience guides me in all I do. I understand your write up quite well. You don’t seem to understand mine. You just want me to accept that music is a sin

Why there is no any alteration from QUR'AN ?, the answer must be: "Because it's a word of God", had it been it's from a mankind, there you shall find alot of alterations, and that's why I sent you my evidence from QUR'AN (word of God) not from the alterative book (bible) you see the crystal difference, right ?

Accepted I get your whole point am part of the school of thought that the Quran has no alterations

But why don't you follow the rules of the bible ?

Because religion is part of the problem of the world. It’s been tearing us apart from the start

Only if you misunderstood it from that very start

Don’t stress it Usman I grew up around Muslims. I’ve had these kinds of conversation with my Muslims friends severally. I want you to understand that there is no way that God The creator of heaven and earth is confined to one religion. With all evidence we can already see that he is a God that loves diversity if not we’d have all looked the same. Look around you and you’ll see this. Even our languages. Even the fishes of the sea. They have different species. Look are the gardens why do us think all the flowers on earth aren’t green? We weren’t made to all follow the same road if the world can know this there’ll be more peace

Even if that road will lead us to heaven (Paradise) ?

And what if neither heaven nor hell exists? What makes you so sure that God who created you with his love and likeness will condemn you into flames after sending you into this imperfect world. As far as I’m concerned heaven and hell is the main too used by religion to control people

Then there is no point of living in this world. They really and already exists, actually, just think about it. If not because there is a Hell and Paradise then those terrorists will not be resurrected due to their sins, you see ? If Nigerian politician can loot the treasury/money of the poor ones, don't you think that there is a judgement for them by their creator, that's why the PARADISE AND HELL-FIRE are already exists, plz rethink about it, Mr Victor

I got my reasons from the book that doesn't get contradiction from people. Qur'an mentioned the existence of Aljannah in Chapter 2 (verse 35-36,111); 13 (23); 18 (32-108); 19 (60-61-64); 22 (23-24); 25 (15-16); 36 (54-55); 38 (49-54); 43 (70-73); 44 (51-57); 52 (17-28); 55 (46-78-89); 56 (12-40); 76 (12-22)

That's according to your personal concern

Yes I’m not imposing my belief on anyone

But there must be one and only true religion, if the opposite of up is down, strong is weak and black is white then in the religion there must also be true religion and false one, right ?

But one crazy thing is that there are things that the Quran condone that are unthinkable too

like what ?

Well a world known fact is that Islamic terrorist shout Allah akbarr before cutting off a man’s throat

I hate them too, actually. They are merciless but Almighty Allah (The merciful) will judge equally on the day of recompense

Qur'an doesn't condoned them. Islamically, if you killed someone the penalty for that is execution. Islam is a religion of peace, muslims are not terrorists, if a terrorist inform you that he believes in kalimatush shahada then he is actually not a muslim because islam is the religion of peace

Let’s not even go there. Who is anyone to judge. And take a life the they can’t create for what ever reason. Is it not written in the holy book that no man should judge but all judgement belongs to God alone? Is it not there in the Quran?

It is, but Almighty Allah said: you have to increase your good acts so that He will reward you with PARADISE failure to do so, you will end up in HELL-FIRE in order to be among the dwellers of ALJANNAH one must abide by the rules and regulations of the Creator which is the religion, the true religion not confused religion/altered religion, the religion of peace which is Islam

I understand that, you are neither a muslim nor a christian, since you don't believe in religion, are you a pagan ?

We can talk about the case of under age marriage too... how can a grown man marry a child

But all of this means nothing to me because I don’t care which religion is right or wrong I’m not living my life based on any religion it’s just the society pinning it on me

Whatever suits you to call me it’s just another word coined out from any of the above mention religion

But I’m human. And Love is my religion

Why did you chose LOVE as your religion ?

The love is the only way forward

You are wrong. If love is the only way forward. Why do lovers breakup ?

Okay, if you LOVE yourself and if you want to prevent yourself from HELL then you have to worship the Creator of your body because this body doesn't belongs to you it belongs to it's Creator, God

But Islam is the religion of all prophets, from Adam AS to our final prophet Muhammad PBUH, and this is well known too if only you investigate you will find out

Love is Gods religion too. Money is the religion of the rest of the world. With money either Muslim or Christian forgets their doctrine. This is fact

This is not true, plus it's your opinion too because not all muslim loves money over religion because money cannot buy happines, money is just a legally or socially binding conceptual contract of entitlement to wealth, void of intrinsic value but it's only in ALJANNAH that you will find eternal happiness, permanent life with no death

Money is a religion of God too

Reason plz

If you understand what love is... when you love the next man you can never think of hurting him think of another human like your beloved brother and you’d want to help him in terms of need. If Religion is the true way to heaven then everyone is going to hell. Because no religion has made any difference instead ever religion is sinning differently

The prophet PBUH said: All human beings are sinners but the best amongst you are those who repent, sincerely (Hadith) But you have to worship your creator by following the Do's and Don'ts compiled in a religion. The religion is the way of life

You misunderstand this. Diversity in creatures is different with that of in religion, the purpose of accepting a single and true religion among the thousands of religion is because people have choice and the choice of God as the creator is better than the choice of human beings as the creations. Almighty Allah decided to chose Islam as the best religion knowing that his creations might change their mind hence, revealing the books to His prophets and messengers (At taura, zabura, injeel (bible, an old testament which has been altered) and finally Qur'an (Qur'an which is the new testament) so that they will remind mankind and jinns about their true religion which is the religion of all the prophets and messengers which with no doubt is Islam, you see the truth is always the truth, a truth is unchangeable

If Islam is a religion of peace and Muslims make up the largest population of terrorist in the world by statistics this means they betrayed their religion for another course which is money. I don’t doubt any of this. I’ve don all my researches

These prophets were from a particular place at a point in time... do you think people didn’t exist in other place who had never heard of these prophets before at the point in time... would you say that God wasn’t in the life of there people who didn’t know those prophets? Religion is a control tool. You are already very deep into it. If you can think outside the box you’ll see it, it’s not rocket science. They cut off a poor Muslims limb for stealing penny but dear not try to cut off a rich Muslims finger when he steals huge money. Why do you think this is condoned?

Wherever I end up when I leave this world is the will of God. I want to go to where ever my ancestors who weren’t Christians nor Muslims go to.

And this unknown place must be either HELL-FIRE or PARADISE, and you can't go there until you have bad deeds or good deeds

People aren’t as nice as they pretend to be on their own they can be deadly but the fear of hell is what make people try to be nice and live in good conduct... but one crazy thing people forget that you can’t fool God (Laugh)

Why the fear of Hell ? Meanwhile, there must be HELL and PARADISE, you see you amswered your recent question by yourself

I’ve been meaning to ask why do Muslims gather around a particular place (possibly piece of rock) in Mecca to pray

Thanks for this question, Mr Victor. Well, going deep down to the history lane (with a prove in the Holy Qur'an), it was the Almighty Allah who commanded Prophet Abraham (Ibrahim) to build a HOUSE OF ALLAH which is known as the Ka'abah (This house is perpendicularly upward in the direction of the other House of Allah known as Baitul Ma'amur located in the 7th Heaven) The reason why it's built in there is because Mecca is the centre of earth and this House Ka'aba is the centre of gravity (This is not a co-incidence, it's the miracle of Allah so that Islam will be spreading to all directions, North, South,West and East)

After the time of Prophet Ibrahim AS, the Meccan people keep on worshipping Allah (But the House is just a direction just like the one in the 7th heaven by which 70,000 different Angels worships Allah per day from the creation of the heaven up to now and till the day of Judgement), after several years in Mecca, the pious muslims passed away and then Shaitan decided to convinced the weakest muslims to praise those pious muslims so that they will be like their ladders towards God, at the end they end up building their idols in the shape of those pious believers namely, LATA, UZZA, MANATA, HUBAL plus different kinds of idols totalling the number of days of the year, 365

Time of Ignorance: They forgot about the true ISLAM as a religion for either their monetary reasons or self-desires. After thousands of years, Almighty Allah decided to send prophet Muhammad PBUH as the final messenger who will unite the mankinds and jinns due to their ignorance (But before the arrival of Prophet Muhammad there was prophet Isah AS (Jesus) too but He is not from an Arab tribe, that's why He has been sent to Israel (There is a Complete chapter in the Qur'an regarding the families of Isra'el), there is a mosque called MASJIDUL AQSA in Jerusalem where Jesus used to preach, he have got alot of Christians followers, and it's from that place that he's been ascended to heaven by the angels when Christians came to crucify him and at the end of the world he will descend and re-confirm about the teaching of prophet Muhammad PBUH, He will re-testify that He is not Son of God but He is only the messenger of God

Christians thought they crucified him on cross, but they were wrong because He's not rather he has been replaced with someone that looks like him, that's why Christians wear cross to mourn his fake-death. It's a long story let me continue from the previous one

Prophet Muhammad PBUH has been chosen as the final prophet (seal of all the prophets), He was instructed to destroy all these 365 idols in Ka'abah, imagine destroying the idol of richest people, they must defend it with their power and life, at the end after uncountable challenges between truth and false, he was revealed to migrate from MECCA to MADINA formerly known as YATHRIB, at the end he got thousands of Muslim followers and came back to MECCA and conquered all those who used to worship idol

He destroyed all these idols: and start conveying the religion of peace, ISLAM to many countries including African regions (ETHIOPIA) and today we finally found ourselves as Muslims in Nigeria who follow Islam. We believed in ISAH jesus the son of Mary, and we do believe in his original INJEEL, (because this bible has been altered because of christian opinions)

The Good news is ISLAM is the religion of all prophets including ADAM, ISAH, MUSA, IBRAHIM and MUHAMMAD PBUT, and from what ALLAH promised the christians and jews in the Qur'an is that: Whoever believes in INJEEL and then believes in QUR'AN then there is an everlasting reward for them which is ALJANNAH, paradise, MR VICTOR, imagine the life in ALJANNAH a home of happiness, because this world is just temporary, you can see that from God we are and unto Him we shall return, imagine the life of JANNAH an eternal and permanent life, that's the purpose of our life, actually speaking

Did the holy book not as that no one should bow to any image or objects?

Bowing to Ka'abah doesn't means you are worshipping it, we are doing so simply because we are told to do so in the Qur'an, and Ka'abah is the house of God because of BAITUL-MA'AMUR which is above the 7th heaven

I believe this is there y’all gather

Just so you know I’ve questioned people bowing to the cross of Jesus as it God live in it

No, God isn't in the cross because cross is just an object, they are wearing it unknowingly thinking that God is inside which is impossible. God is in the AL-ARSH above KUR'SIYYU above the 7th heaven

All of these are still idol worshiping... we are just sinning differently

The same way you have a defense for the reasons of the gathering in Mecca is the same way Christians will justify bowing to the cross

Nope, there reason is not in the bible while our reason is in the Qur'an

I’m feeling sleepy already (want to sleep)

✒️Mr Victor, despite the fact that you don't believe in christianity but I noticed that you always used to defend yourself with the Bible while a bible is just a book, the christians fabricated it, the real one is INJEEL (Gospel) just like QUR'AN, whenever you go to the Israel's market and ask a bookseller that you wanna buy a bible they will start asking you which kind of bible do you want ? because the word bible in Hebrew means book so there is no specification because the christians make some alterations hence the existence of alot of different collections each year, old testament new testament etc unlike Qur'an which is only one

Qur'an from Saudiyya, America, China, Nigeria, Kano, Abuja and Lagos are all the same, this is because it's the word of God. I challenge you, If you show me the word bible in the bible I will become a christian, also if you show me the word christianity in the bible I will also become a christian. I am very sure you can't find the word bible in the bible

But there is the word Quran in the Holy Quran, thus;





The Quran mentioned itself 57 times in the Holy Quran

TANZILUN MIN RABBIL ALAMIN, means I came from the Lord of the World, but the BIBLE never say I came from the Lord of the World

And Prophet MUHAMMAD was mentioned in the Holy Quran, thus; MUHAMMADAN RASULULLAH, means MUHAMMAD is the Messenger of ALLAH, but you can never see the CHRIST has been sent by GOD in any version of the BIBLE. Dont be surprised, the mind of Christains are already engineered and ignorantly programmed to accept Christianity

✒️Secondly, you said LOVE is your religion because it is the only thing that can heal the world but this is a colossal mistake, love is an affection and it need guidance but the religion is what guides the heart of the lovers. Last year, there was a young christian lady, who announced her faith publicly that she is a joyful christian and believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, she do believed that Jesus is crucified on a cross and rose on the 3rd to give her salvation. As you can see she don't announce her love for religion but rather her faith (Submission) She made the post as her best challenge thats why as a WRITER I decided to participate mayhap I could be the reason for her embracement into ISLAM (UsmanNOOR'S response to non believer hoping to deviate her faith from darkness to NOOR)

Here is our conversation;

In the name of Allah the most Beneficient the Merciful. Allah in His infinite mercy, created man as the highest form of creation and provided him with every thing he needs for his sustenance and well being. May the peace and blessing be on his noble prophet MUHAMMAD (PBUH) as well as all other Prophets before him

Since man has been given the faculty to think to know and to understand and to distinguish between right and wrong and a natutal inclination or conscience to shun evil and to follow the path of goodness. In view of this man resorts to religion as way of worshipping Allah SWT. God is unique and wants unique way of worshipping Him

Indeed a number of people have politicized matter relating to issues of faith or the practice of religion, it thus becomes important to re-examine whichever faith that one belongs to of such other faith to which may be invited or which some people claim to be the only way to salvation in this world or hereafter

The Bible in the book of John 8:32 Jesus said, "You shall know the truth and the truth shall set free" therefore let us find out everything about the truth and hold fast unto the truth

Therefore, it is very important for us all to study both Quran and Bible and conaider the content of each of them to know which of the books contain what can be called words of God

In the general view, we come to conclusion that Allah SWT is unique and wants only unique way of worshipping Him

Therefore, there are no two ways of worshipping Allah SWT. Bible and Quran both teach Islam. So Islam is the only way


Oneness of God as per the teaching of Jesus Christ son of Maryam in the Bible. Jesus echoed all other prophets when he severally mentioned and proclaimed the unity of God in the Bible as thus; "Thou shall worship the Lord thy God and Him only shall thou serve" - Matt. 4:10. "Neither be ye called masters for one is your master even Christ" - Matt. 23:10

Observation of this statement clearly shows that God is the only master, even Christ is not master here, so he (Christ) can not be worshipped. Christ challenged the pluralization of mastership

Observation rationally considered the dogma of the trinity as untenable. It is not just beyond reason, it is repugnant to reason. As the belief in three divine persons is incompatible with the Oneness of God


Much ado about Jesus the only son or son of God. Here let us read about what Jesus have to say in the Bible. He denied all those claims when he says: "The foxes have holes and the birds of the air have nest, but son of man hath nowhere to lay his head" - Matt. 8:20

"But that ye may know that the son of man..." - Mark 2:10

Jesus Christ as a son of man surfaces about 65 places in the Bible all come out of the Christ's mouth Himself. To confirm these statement in the Bible help open to the following among other places; Mark 13:25 Mark 14:21 and 62, Luke: 5:24, Luke 6:5, Luke 9:22;26;44;56 and 58, Luke 12:8-10, Luke 17:22,26. Luke 19:9-8-10. John 12:14, John 5:27 John 6:53,62 John 8-29 John 12:23,34 John 13:31


Jesus as the prophet of God as said by Jesus Christ himself in the Bible... "And whosoever shall receive me receiveth not me but Him that sent me" - Mark 9:37. "My doctrine is not mine but His that sent me" - John 7:16


Matthew 23:8 "But be not called rabbi: for one is your master, even Jesus, and all ye are brethren". Here it is clearly proved that Jesus was a servant of Allah, and that there is only one master and He is Allah. In the Arabic version of the Bible this verse has been translated to that Jesus is meant to be the master whereas the English rendering is nearer the original sense

One of her friend EDITH ETHIELU commented thus; thats their faith wether I believe it or not (You see, she didn't say "That's our LOVE) its not open for opposition, with christianity she stand, if I've read the bible sincerely with an open heart I would have given my life to Christ. But rather I read bible looking for faults and errors to pick from it, why wont I oppose. She make bold to say "They are chrisrians and believe in JESUS CHRIST the son of the living GOD. Thanks (smile)

I responded thus, first off, as you can see your mistake from the beginning you said "we look for the bible looking for faults and errors to pick from it" Why is it that the Holy book is engulfed with errors, does that means its not holy ? (Confused)

BIBLE and QURAN both teach ISLAM, but BIBLE has errors as you just said now while QURAN has no error as I do belived, So does that means an ISLAM is the only way ? (Confused for the second time)


She said "You look for errors not me, reason been the bible is write in various languages you can undestand but the Quran is not, my brother, its my faith and believe it at that, its not up for context. Believe what you want to believe and allow me believe mine. Thank you"

(I replied with Smile) Tnx for understanding me

Indeed, your religion belongs to you and mine belong to me alone. "LAKUM DINIKUM WALIYADIN-Quran 109:6"

As an advice I want you to know that their is no Single Statement in the Bibble that Jesus PBUH said (I'm God worship me) or I am a son Of God

Muslims and Christians are not worshipping the same God. It is evidently clear that God of Christians is different from God of Muslims. For you now to examine and determine which to choose and practice you must examine the statement pertaining to the God of such a religion, consider the following;


"Eyes cannot reach Him but He reaches all eyes" Quran 6:103


"Seventy-four peoples including Moses went up and saw the God of Israel Exodus" 24: 9-10


"He is the subduer and cannot therefore, be fought with nor defeated by anyone" Quran 36


"Jacob's name was changed to Israel because he fought with men and God and he (jacob) won the battle" Gen. 32:2425


"God the All-knowing Know the beginning and the end of every matter of affairs and cannot therefore regret nor become sorry" Quran


"God saw the wickedness of man and was great on earth. Hence the Lord God was sad that he had made on the earth and his heart was filled with pain" Gen 6:5-6


"After creating the Heaven and the earth and what is between them in six days. God did not become tired" Quran 50:38


"God became tired after creating the heaven and the earth in six days because on the seventh day he rested and got refreshed" Exodus 31:17


"Nothing is hidden from God in the heaven and in the earth" Quran 3:5


"After Adam and eve had eaten the forbidden fruit, they hid among the trees of the garden. And God called unto them saying "where are you" Gen 3:4-9


"God neither slumber nor does he sleep" Quran 2:225


"Awake why do you sleep O Lord, arise and do not neglect us forever" Psalm 44:23


"God woke up as if from sleep like strong man shouting because of wine" Psalm 76:65

You didn't answer the question "Love is God's religion" how do you know plz ?

Okay, good night, till tomorrow

This is the end of our dispute with Mr Victor. Forward as Received

Usman Danliti Mato, A Public Writer, A Media Aide to Several Personnel (A Co-founder Usmannoor Media BUK)

WhatsApp contact: 07035387476 Facebook: Usman D. Mato

ﺳُﺒﺤَﺎﻧَﻚَ ﺍﻟﻠَّﻬُﻢَّ ﻭَﺑِﺤَﻤْﺪِﻙَ ﺃﺷْﻬَﺪُ ﺃﻥ ﻟَﺎ ﺇِﻟَﻪَ ﺇِﻻَّ ﺃﻧْﺖَ ﺃﺳْﺘَﻐْﻔِﺮُﻙَ ﻭﺃَﺗُﻮﺏُ ﺇِﻟَﻴْﻚ


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